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Installing GPG on your machine

Alessandro Gubitosi edited this page May 20, 2015 · 1 revision

Linux users

Just run the following command as super user (sudo):

$ apt-get install gpg

Mac users

If you have a Mac machine and you've access to the interface, simply install Mac GPG, otherwise follow commands below.

Move to /tmp folder and download the official package:

$ cd /tmp
$ curl -O

Untar the package and move in the new extracted folder:

$ tar -xzf gnupg-1.4.19.tar.gz
$ cd gnupg-1.4.19

Now you need to set up GnuPG to build on your system. You do this by running configure:

$ ./configure

Once you have everything configured, it's time to compile GnuPG by running:

$ make

Optionally, you can run make check before you install to make sure that your system will be safe to run GnuPG on.

$ make check

If all tests pass, the only thing left to do is type:

$ sudo make install

Et voilà!
GnuPG should be installed on your computer!