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bionictoucan committed Mar 7, 2019
1 parent d4f7f93 commit 7277953
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Showing 2 changed files with 156 additions and 266 deletions.
197 changes: 22 additions & 175 deletions testing_example.ipynb

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225 changes: 134 additions & 91 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,95 +6,37 @@
from tqdm import tqdm
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def softmax(x):
A function for calculating the softmax probability an output vector of the network.
x : numpy array
A numpy array containing the pre-softmax probabilities i.e. the output of the network.
ex = np.exp(x)
return ex / ex.sum()

def solar_classification(weights,data,features=None):
dataset = solar_dataset(source="numpy",data_arr=data,test=True)
idxs = np.zeros(dataset.__len__())
labels = np.zeros(dataset.__len__())
hists = np.zeros((dataset.__len__(),5))
features_dict = {}
hist_dict = {}
label_dict = {
"filaments" : 0,
"flares" : 1,
"prominences" : 2,
"quiet" : 3,
"sunspots" : 4
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=1)
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

model = solar_classifier()

with torch.no_grad():
for idx, images in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader),desc="Classifying images"):
images = images.float().to(device)
output = model(images)
_, predicted = torch.max(,1)
idxs[idx] = idx
labels[idx] = predicted.item()
hists[idx] = softmax(output.cpu().numpy())

if features==None:
"filaments" : idxs[np.where(labels==0)].astype(np.int16),
"flares" : idxs[np.where(labels==1)].astype(np.int16),
"prominences" : idxs[np.where(labels==2)].astype(np.int16),
"quiet" : idxs[np.where(labels==3)].astype(np.int16),
"sunspots" : idxs[np.where(labels==4)].astype(np.int16)

"filaments" : hists[np.where(labels==0)],
"flares" : hists[np.where(labels==1)],
"prominences" : hists[np.where(labels==2)],
"quiet" : hists[np.where(labels==3)],
"sunspots" : hists[np.where(labels==4)]
for f in features:
features_dict.update({f : idxs[np.where(labels==label_dict[f])].astype(np.int16)})
hist_dict.update({f : hists[np.where(labels==label_dict[f])]})

return features_dict, hist_dict

def plot_image(data,feature_dict,feature,idx,cmap="hinodesotintensity"):
if len(data.shape) == 4:
data = data.squeeze()

def plot_hist(hist_dict,feature,idx):
hist_dict[feature][idx][np.isnan(hist_dict[feature][idx])] = 1,hist_dict[feature][idx],tick_label=["Filaments","Flare ribbon","Prominence","Quiet Sun","Sunspot"])
plt.ylabel("Normalised probability")

# def plots(data,feature_dict,hist_dict,feature,idx,cmap="hinodesotintensity"):
# if len(data.shape) == 4:
# data = data.squeeze() #get rid of batch dimension

# num_im = data.shape[0]
# fig = plt.figure()
# for j, image in enumerate(data):
import torch.nn.functional as F
import os, html
from import fits
import as m
from skimage.transform import resize

class classification:
class Classification:
def __init__(self,fits_pth,weights):
This is a class for classifying solar images quickly to be used with the pre-trained Slic network.
fits_pth : str
This is the path to the fits files to be classified.
weights : str
This is the path to the pretrained model.
files : list
A list of the image files to be classified.
weights : str
The path to the pretrained model.
class_dict : dict
A dictionary to store the classifications of the image in. The numbers in the entries of the dictionary correspond to the index in the file list meaning that file contains its associated feature.
hist_dict : dict
A dictionary to store the probability histograms in the same format as class_dict.
label_dict : dict
A dictionary to store the corresponding numerical class labels with what they correspond to physically.
self.files = sorted([fits_pth+x for x in os.listdir(fits_pth)]) #this assumes that the fits files are named sensibly
self.weights = weights
self.class_dict = {}
Expand All @@ -108,10 +50,20 @@ def __init__(self,fits_pth,weights):

def solar_classification(self,features=None,freedom=False):
im_arr = np.zeros(len(self.files),1,256,256) #this sets up the array of images to be classified
This class method does the classificiation of the images in the files attribute and updates the class_dict and hist_dict attributes with the classification of the images and their probability histograms respectively.
features : None, list
The features we would like to keep after classifying. The default is None which will lead to all feature data being saved.
freedom : bool
This garbage collects the model after usage to free up memory. Default is false.
im_arr = np.zeros((len(self.files),1,256,256)) #this sets up the array of images to be classified

for i, image in enumerate(self.files):
tmp = getdata(image).astype(np.float64)
tmp = fits.getdata(image).astype(np.float64)
tmp = resize(tmp,(256,256),anti_aliasing=True)
tmp = tmp.reshape(1,256,256)
im_arr[i] = tmp
Expand All @@ -121,6 +73,97 @@ def solar_classification(self,features=None,freedom=False):
labels = np.zeros(dataset.__len__())
hists = np.zeros((dataset.__len__(),5))
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=1)
device = ("cuda:0" if torhc.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
device = ("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

model = solar_classifier()

with torch.no_grad():
for idx, images in tqdm(enumerate(data_loader),desc="Classifying images"):
images = images.float().to(device)
output = model(images)
_, predicted = torch.max(,1)
idxs[idx] = idx
labels[idx] = predicted.item()
hists[idx] = F.softmax(output.cpu()).numpy()

if features == None:
"filaments" : idxs[np.where(labels==0)].astype(np.int16),
"flares" : idxs[np.where(labels==1)].astype(np.int16),
"prominences" : idxs[np.where(labels==2)].astype(np.int16),
"quiet" : idxs[np.where(labels==3)].astype(np.int16),
"sunspots" : idxs[np.where(labels==4)].astype(np.int16)

"filaments" : hists[np.where(labels==0)],
"flares" : hists[np.where(labels==1)],
"prominences" : hists[np.where(labels==2)],
"quiet" : hists[np.where(labels==3)],
"sunspots" : hists[np.where(labels==4)]
for f in features:
self.class_dict.update({f : idxs[np.where(labels==self.label_dict[f])].astype(np.int16)})
self.hist_dict.update({f : hists[np.where(labels==self.label_dict[f])]})

if freedom:

def plot_image(self,feature,idx=None):
This is a class method to plot the images that we are interested in after classification.
feature : str
The feature we want to look at.
idx : None, list
A list of the indices we want to look at. These are the numerical values assigned to the files via their index in the files attribute. Default is None which means the code will plot all of a single class.
fig = plt.figure()
if idx == None:
idx = list(self.class_dict[feature])
if type(idx) == list:
fig_side = np.sqrt(len(idx))
for j, i in enumerate(idx):
ax = fig.add_subplot(np.floor(fig_side),np.ceil(fig_side),j+1)
im = m.Map(self.files[i])
im.plot_settings["title"] = im.meta["detector"] + " " + im.meta["wave"][3:] + html.unescape("Å") +" " + im.meta["date-obs"][:10] + " " + im.meta["date-obs"][11:-4]
ax.set_ylabel("Solar-Y [arcsec]")
ax.set_xlabel("Solar-X [arcsec]")
raise TypeError("Indices should be a list.")


def plot_hist(self,feature,idx):
This is a class method to plot the probability distributions that we are interested in after classification.
feature : str
The feature we want to see the distribution for.
idx : None, list
A list of the indices we want to look at. These are the numerical values assigned to the files via their index in the files attribute. Default is None which means the code will plot all of the probability distributions for a single class.
fig = plt.figure()
if idx == None:
idx = list(self.class_dict[feature])
if type(idx) == list:
fig_side = np.sqrt(len(idx))
for j, i in enumerate(idx):
hist = np.where(self.class_dict[feature] == i)[0]
ax = fig.add_subplot(np.floor(fig_side),np.ceil(fig_side),j+1),self.hist_dict[feature][hist][0],tick_label=list(self.label_dict.keys()))
raise TypeError("Indices should be a list.")


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