Maintaining a repository is a lot of work and it is only possible with the input for its users. That's why we love to get your feedback and continuously improve! We want to contibuting to this project as easy and transparent as possible. That's why we ask all contributions to go through a GitHub workflow.
Wether you wish to report a bug, discuss the current state of the code, how to use it, or propose new features, the GitHub repository is the place to start.
Go to 'Issues' in the repository's menu and use the search bar to look for your issue/question, maybe the discussion already exists! if you don't find what you are looking for, use the green button 'New Issue' and describe your problem/question with as many details as possible.
Solving Bugs is not always easy and usually requires to be able to precisely understand what happened. Try to include the following in your report, so we can solve the problems quickly:
- A quick summary and/or background
- The software versions
- A precise description of the problem (what did you do? What happened?)
- Join input data that reproduce the problem if possible
- Attach relevant log files to the issue
Writting a documentation is a big task and we are gratefull for any help to expand and improve it.
If you find a specific section of the documentaiton unclear, or would like to see it in other languages, we would love to hear about it, or if you feel like it, try suggesting modifications.
We are always looking forward to expand the range of presets for new targets or primers.
If you are not satisfied with some of the presets and find some tweaks to work better, you can submit changes through an issue or pull-request. Please provide the specific configuration that is concerned and the improved parameters.
If you work with primers or targets that are not yet included in the preset, you can submit your configuration to be added to the preset. If you are struggling with finding good presets feel free to get in touch for some help.
We usually ask that new configuration be tested on available data (either published of available through repositories).
All changes in the repository are made through pull requests.
To submitt a pull request:
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
- Make your changes to the code base/documentation/tests
- Test all your changes thoroughly
- Update the documentation
- Ensure that your code passes the tests and lints, this will be automatically tested when you submit your pull request
- Issue your pull request with a detailled description of the changes and wait for a maintainer to review the changes
Please provide precise and sufficient information on the changes you performed when you submit your pull request.
By submitting changes to this repository, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its GNU/GPL license.