A LaTeX package for generating a packet for handwritten notes in the Cornell note taking system. My contributions were moving the code into a reusable package, adding the ability to set the name, date, how many pages to generate, and what page number to begin numbering.
Download the package and mwe into a directory, compile with PdfLaTex.
Include the package using \usepackage{cornellNotes}
Set the subject line using \renewcommand{\cornellNotesSubject}{#1}
Set the date using \renewcommand{\cornellNotesDate}{#1}
Set the page count start in the optional command #1
and the number of pages in #2
using \cornellNotesPacket\[#1\]{#2}
For more thorough description including current limitations, please refer to my blog, jakubkonkol.com.
The original template was posted by sgmoye on stackexchange.
Doing the repeating bit using Joseph Wright's answer on stackexchange.