Python library for manipulating UPPAAL xml files. Can currently import, export and layout models.
This project was created from the existing launchpad site
Install pygraphviz. On windows the requires steps are:
Install mingw32
Download pygraphviz sources
Edit in pygraphviz folder to:
library_path=r"c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz 2.28\bin"
include_path=r"c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz 2.28\include"
run python build -c mingw32
run python install
Install pyuppaal using python install
To autolayout a model run bin/layout_uppaal, use option --help for arguments.
To use pyuppal in your application or the python shell, use import pyuppaal. Remember to have pyuppaal in you PYTHONPATH.
To run tests invoke the test script test/
sh test/
Remember to have verifyta in you path else the test case for UPPAAL integration will fail.