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Documentation of quantified type in Expr (OCamlPro#1106)
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* Documentation of quantified type in `Expr`

While fixing the issue OCamlPro#1099, I wrote a bit of documentation for `Expr`.

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Halbaroth authored May 10, 2024
1 parent c3e46a0 commit 8661027
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 13 deletions.
37 changes: 29 additions & 8 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,11 +70,9 @@ and quantified = {
toplevel : bool;
user_trs : trigger list;
binders : binders;
(* These fields should be (ordered) lists ! important for skolemization *)
sko_v : t list;
sko_vty : Ty.t list;
loc : Loc.t; (* location of the "GLOBAL" axiom containing this quantified
formula. It forms with name a unique id *)
sko_v : t list; (* This list has to be ordered for the skolemization. *)
sko_vty : Ty.t list; (* This list has to be ordered for the skolemization. *)
loc : Loc.t;
kind : decl_kind;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1471,6 +1469,11 @@ and mk_forall_bis (q : quantified) =
if Var.Map.is_empty binders && Ty.Svty.is_empty q.main.vty then q.main
let q = {q with binders} in
(* Attempt to reduce the number of quantifiers. We try to find a
particular substitution [sbs] such that the application of [sbs]
on [q.main] produces a formula [g] such that
- [g] has less free term variables than [q.main] in [binders];
- the universal closures of [f] and [g] are equivalent. *)
match find_particular_subst binders q.user_trs q.main with
| None -> mk_forall_ter q

Expand All @@ -1487,10 +1490,17 @@ and mk_forall_bis (q : quantified) =
let q = {q with binders; user_trs = trs; sko_v; main = f } in
mk_forall_bis q

(* If [f] is a formula of the form [x = a -> P(x)] where [a] doesn't content
[x], this function produces the substitution { x |-> a }.
Notice that formulas [x = a -> P(x)] are represented by
[Clause (x <> a, P(x), _)] or [Clause (P(x), x <> a, _)].
{b Note}: this heuristic isn't used if the user has defined filters.
@return [None] if the formula hasn't the right form. *)
and find_particular_subst =
let exception Found of Var.t * t in
(* ex: in "forall x, y : int. x <> 1 or f(y) = x+1 or P(x,y)",
x can be replaced with 1 *)
let rec find_subst v tv f =
match form_view f with
| Unit _ | Lemma _ | Skolem _ | Let _ | Iff _ | Xor _ -> ()
Expand All @@ -1513,6 +1523,7 @@ and find_particular_subst =
| _ -> ()
fun binders trs f ->
(* TODO: move the test for `trs` outside. *)
if not (Ty.Svty.is_empty f.vty) || has_hypotheses trs ||
has_semantic_triggers trs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2039,19 +2050,27 @@ module Triggers = struct

let not_pure t = not t.pure

(* Collect all the term variables in [t] that are in the set [bv]. *)
let vars_of_term bv acc t =
(fun v _ acc ->
if Var.Set.mem v bv then Var.Set.add v acc else acc
t.vars acc

(* TODO: we should define here a predicate `good_triggers`
and call it with List.filter in the appropriate locations. *)
let filter_good_triggers (bv, vty) trs =
(fun { content = l; _ } ->
(* Check if the multi-trigger covers all the type and term
variables. *)
not (List.exists not_pure l) &&
let s1 = List.fold_left (vars_of_term bv) Var.Set.empty l in
let s2 = List.fold_left vty_of_term Svty.empty l in
(* TODO: we can replace `Var.Set.subset bv s1`
by `Var.Seq.equal bv s1`. By construction `s1` is
a subset of `bv`. *)
Var.Set.subset bv s1 && Svty.subset vty s2 )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2392,7 +2411,9 @@ module Triggers = struct
Var.Map.fold (fun v _ s -> Var.Set.add v s) binders Var.Set.empty
match decl_kind, f with
| Dtheory, _ -> assert false
| Dtheory, _ ->
(* TODO: Add Dobjective here. We never generate triggers for them. *)
assert false
| (Dpredicate e | Dfunction e), _ ->
let defn = match f with
| { f = (Sy.Form Sy.F_Iff | Sy.Lit Sy.L_eq) ; xs = [e1; e2]; _ } ->
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68 changes: 63 additions & 5 deletions src/lib/structures/expr.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,8 +48,13 @@ type term_view = private {
ty: Ty.t;
bind : bind_kind;
tag: int;
vars : (Ty.t * int) Var.Map.t; (* vars to types and nb of occurences *)
vars : (Ty.t * int) Var.Map.t;
(** Map of free term variables in the term to their type and
number of occurrences. *)

vty : Ty.Svty.t;
(** Map of free type variables in the term. *)

depth: int;
nb_nodes : int;
pure : bool;
Expand All @@ -64,16 +69,49 @@ and bind_kind =

and quantified = private {
name : string;
(** Name of the lemma. This field is used by printers. *)

main : t;
(** The underlying formula. *)

toplevel : bool;
(** Determine if the quantified formula is at the top level.
This flag is important for the prenex polymorphism.
- If this flag is [true], all the free type variables of [main]
are implicitely considered as quantified.
- Otherwise, the free type variables of the lemma are the
same as the underlying formula [main] and are stored in the field
[sko_vty]. *)

user_trs : trigger list;
(** List of the triggers defined by the user.
The solver doesn't generate multi-triggers if the user has defined
some multi-triggers. *)

binders : binders;
(* These fields should be (ordered) lists ! important for skolemization *)
(** The ordered list of quantified term variables of [main].
This list has to be ordered for the skolemization. *)

sko_v : t list;
(** Set of all the free variables of the quantified formula. In other words,
this set is always the complementary of [binders] in the set of
free variables of [main].
The purpose of this field is to retrieve these variables quickly while
performing the lazy skolemization in the SAT solver (see [skolemize]). *)

sko_vty : Ty.t list;
loc : Loc.t; (* location of the "GLOBAL" axiom containing this quantified
formula. It forms with name a unique id *)
(** The set of free type variables. In particular this set is always
empty if we are the top level. *)

loc : Loc.t;
(** Location of the "GLOBAL" axiom containing this quantified formula. It
forms with name a unique identifier. *)

kind : decl_kind;
(** Kind of declaration. *)

and letin = private {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,10 +309,30 @@ val max_ground_terms_rec_of_form : t -> Set.t

val make_triggers:
t -> binders -> decl_kind -> Util.matching_env -> trigger list
(** [make_triggers f binders decl menv] generate multi-triggers for the
formula [f] and binders [binders].
For axioms, we try to produce multi-triggers in the following order
(if we succeed to produce at least one multi-trigger, we don't try other
1. In greedy mode:
- Mono-triggers without variables;
- Mono-triggers with variables;
- Multi-triggers without variables;
- Multi-triggers with variables.
2. Otherwise:
- Mono and multi-triggers without variables;
- Mono and multi-triggers with variables.
Mono-trigger with `Sy.Plus` or `Sy.Minus` top symbols are ignored
if other mono-triggers have been generated.
The matching environment [env] is used to limit the number of
multi-triggers generated per axiom. *)

val clean_trigger: in_theory:bool -> string -> trigger -> trigger
(** clean trigger:
remove useless terms in multi-triggers after inlining of lets*)
val clean_trigger: in_theory:bool -> string -> trigger -> trigger

val resolution_triggers: is_back:bool -> quantified -> trigger list

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