Riak KV 2.9.0 - Release Candidate 3
Pre-releaseThis is the third public release candidate for Riak 2.9.0.
For information on the content of the release see - https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/develop-2.9/doc/Release%202.9%20Series%20-%20Overview.md
For specific information on the changes in Release Candidate 2 see - https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/develop-2.9/doc/Release%202.9%20Series%20-%20Overview.md#release-292-rc2
For information on the testing undertaken so far in the release cycle - https://github.com/martinsumner/riak_testing_notes/blob/master/Release%202.9%20-%20Test%20Summary.md
The release candidate is entirely related to leveled changes. This improves on and corrects some of the changes made to handle issues raised in eqc testing of leveled. This is also a more conservative release in terms of backing off when leveled is under heavy write pressure - to try and handle issues discovered with less predictable behaviour when running large handoffs with high transfer limits.