Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where players with specs adjusted at enter combat would not get their instant casts detected.
- Fixed Implacable Foe incoming damage modifier (Harbinger) taking into account condition damage.
- Fixed Shrouded (given by Specters) buff not being properly simulated.
- Fixed a bug where certain breakbar phases could be missing.
- Fixed a bug where some acidic pools on Ura could be identified as bloodstone shards.
- Fixed a bug where minis could be considered as combat minions under certain circumstances.
Parser Improvements:
- Added Instant Cast detection for:
- Healing Ripple and Flow Like Water for Elementalist.
- Spiteful Renewal for Necromancer.
- Blood Moon, Restorative Strike, Evasive Purity and Attack of Opportunity for Ranger.
- Added Restorative Strike (Untamed) to the buff simulator.
- Added detection for Juvenile Warclaw.
- Players that have spawned after a successful encounter's end will not appear in logs as part of the fight.
- Added killed Embodiments in Cerus as blocking secondary targets for main phase and primary targets for split phases.
- Added Time Bomb downing or killing player mechanic tracking to Sabetha.
- Added Kicking Heavy Bomb mechanic tracking to Sabetha.
- Added Boons removed by envious gaze mechanic tracking to Temple of Febe.
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Added a by-pass for a plotly related bug where the graph's viewpoint would not properly adjust when changing dps modes.
- Adjusted map positioning for Eternal Battleground on Combat Replay.
- Fixed a bug where NaNs could appears on Combat Replay mechanics table.
- Fixed a bug where the following decorations would not be rendered on Combat Replay:
- Death's Embrace in Xunlai Jade Junkyard.
- Dragon Slash Wave and Fall of the Axe in Kaineng Overlook.
- Big Magma Drops in Qadim the Peerless.
- King's Wrath in Statue of Ice.
- Death Bloom and Quad Slash in Soulless Horror.
- Rending Swipe in Dhuum.
- Annihilate in Deimos.
- Phantasmal Blades in Keep Construct.
HTML Improvements:
- Friendly (Not in Squad) and Enemy players on Combat Replay will now have different sizes.
- Removed "XXX Summary" title between header and statistics component.
- Added Select All/Deselect All buttons below secondary targets.
- Added an improved method to display Rapid Decay.
- Cannons and Heavy Bombs are now visible on Combat Replay for Sabetha.
- Added decorations for Cannon Barrage, Platform Crush, Flak Shot and Sapper Bomb AoE on Combat Replay for Sabetha.
- Added Ghasly Prison indicator decoration on Combat Replay for Gorseval.
- Added Time range selector on all graphs.
JSON Improvements:
- Added the following stats to JsonDefensesAll: DamageTakenCount, ConditionDamageTakenCount, PowerDamageTakenCount, StrikeDamageTakenCount, LifeLeechDamageTakenCount, DownedDamageTakenCount, DamageBarrierCount, BreakbarDamageTakenCount.
- Added the following stats to JsonGameplayStats: ConnectedPowerAbove90HPDamage, ConnectedLifeLeechCount, ConnectedLifeLeechDamage, ConnectedConditionCount, ConnectedConditionDamage, ConnectedConditionAbove90HPDamage, AppliedCrowdControlDownContribution, AppliedCrowdControlDurationDownContribution.
- Added the following stats to JsonPlayerSupport: BoonStripDownContribution, BoonStripDownContributionTime.