Parser Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where certain "fake" breakbar phases could appear on certain encounters.
- Fixed Relic of Stormsinger activation detection giving false positives.
- Fixed a bug where WvW logs could collide with Catapult id and parse as "Catapult" logs.
- Fixed a bug where Escort logs could be flagged as Late Starts due to duplicated Glennas.
- Fixed a bug where River of Souls logs could be flagged as Late Starts due to duplicated Desminas.
- Fixed a bug on Ura where geysers could be mis-identified.
Parser Improvements:
- Continued migration of overriden image URLs to GW2 official APIs.
- Updated damage modifiers for February 2025 balance patch.
- Added tracking for the new Taste for Blood buff.
- Firebrand tome 1s and Bladesworn gunsaber form 1s now count as auto attacks.
- Core necro shroud transform now counts as a weapon swap.
HTML Bug Fixes:
- Fixed green flag icon, to indicate presence of ArcDPS extensions, not being shown properly.
- Fixed a bug where Demonic Bonds on Deimos Combat Replay would not disappear once killed.
- Fixed a bug where Shackled Prisoner on Deimos Combat Replay would not disappear on normal mode after pre event's end.
HTML Improvements:
- Depending on the encounter, certain secondary targets will now be selected by default.
- Upgraded plotlyjs to 3.0 for some rendering performance improvements on graphs.
- Removed box select and lasso select from the graphs' toolbar.
- Added and improved tooltips on several locations.
- Made Combat Replay actors being hidden or displayed more consistent between encounters.
- Updated Ura's Combat Replay map.
- Added the option to hide cast type outlines on simple rotation tab.
- Added the option to highlight a certain skill on simple rotation tab.
JSON Improvements:
- Added TargetPriorities to JsonPhase to indicate importance of targets. Deprecates Targets and SecondaryTargets.