Repository containing a curated list of free online resources in the topics of
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Machine Learning
- Programming & High-Performance Computing
- Scientific Writing
Please submit a PR to contribute to the list.
- Notes on CFD: General Principles
- 12 steps to Navier-Stokes
- Fluid Mechanics 101
- Wall modelling for LES
- Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions
- Illustrated Machine Learning
- Free Programming Books: Machine Learning
- Computer Science Readings: Machine Learning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning | [PDF version]
- Julia ML from Scratch
- Free Programming Books
- Free Programming Books: Parallel Programming
- Computer Science Readings
- Differentiable Programming for Differential Equations: A Review
- The Art of Command Line
- Julia for HPC
- Latex Advice
- Guidelines for writing papers
- Writing a scientific article
- Zotero introduction
- Bibliography tools: zotero, zbib, doi2bib
- Presentation tools: quarto