Doing genomics and bioinformatics at Adam Mickiewicz University
- Pro
pairwise-sequence-alignment Public
A Python module to calculate alignment between two sequences using EMBOSS' needle, stretcher, and water
Code, data, and results for Vclust applied to the ICTV Taxonomy Challenge
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2025 -
fastapy Public
A lightweight Python module to read and write FASTA sequence records
unique-namer Public
Generate unique and memorable names and ids across various categories
statistical-distance Public
Measures of distance between two probability density functions
pfam_scan Public
A tool for scanning FASTA protein sequences against a library of Pfam HMMs
genome-dereplicator Public
A tool for clustering of highly similar genome sequences
phirbo Public
Predict prokaryotic hosts for phage (meta) genomic sequences