An Anthropomorphic Phantom for Atrial Transseptal Puncture Simulation Training - 3D Printing in Medicine (2024)
This repository provides open-source access to the STL files for a novel, anatomically accurate Anthropomorphic Phantom for Transseptal Puncture (TSP) Simulation Training, developed to simulate patient-specific left atrial anatomy. The phantom allows for realistic simulation of the transseptal puncture procedure, commonly performed during left-sided cardiac interventions such as atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation and left atrial appendage closure. These files are intended for researchers, educators, and clinicians interested in medical simulation/training, cardiology, 3D printing, and preliminary medical device testing.
The phantom has been designed to be with multiple imaging modalities, including X-ray fluoroscopy and ultrasound, and incorporates a replaceable fossa ovalis component to facilitate repeated simulations.
This repository contains the following STL files:
- Left & Right Atria: STL file featuring the combined left and right atria structure.
- FO Insert: STL file for the replaceable FO component.
- FO Mold: STL file for the material extruded mold for silicone molding of the FO.
If you use these STL files in your research or academic publications, please cite the following paper:
Zeidan, A. M., et al. (2024). An Anthropomorphic Phantom for Atrial Transseptal Puncture Simulation Training. 3D Printing in Medicine.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 International (CC BY 1.0) License. You are free to use, share, and adapt the material provided you give appropriate credit.
This repository is maintained by:
Aya Mutaz Zeidan (King’s College London, UK) - Lead Researcher.
Contributing Authors: Zhouyang Xu, Lisa Leung, Calum Byrne, Sachin Sabu, Yijia Zhou, Christopher Aldo Rinaldi, John Whitaker, Steven E. Williams, Jonathan Behar, Aruna Arujuna, R. James Housden, Kawal Rhode.
The development of this phantom was supported by the Wellcome Centre for Medical Engineering and the British Heart Foundation Centre of Excellence. Special thanks to the Cardiology Department at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust for their support and guidance.
For questions or further information, please contact:
Aya Mutaz Zeidan: [email protected]