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ryanharvey1 committed Nov 6, 2024
1 parent bcae79f commit 155262f
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 93 deletions.
215 changes: 122 additions & 93 deletions preProcessing/CleanRez.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function rez = CleanRez(rez,varargin)
function rez = CleanRez(rez, varargin)

% Remove noisy clusters from the rez file. This is an optional preprocessing
% step the user may choose to perform before exporting the Kilosort results to
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% cleanRez = CleanRez(rez, <options>)
% rez rez file from kilosort (note post cleaning after sorting
% <options> optional list of property-value pairs (see table below)
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% 'mahalThreshold' spikes exceeding this threshold will be considered
% outliers and removed (set to Inf to not impose threshold,
% default = 12)
% 'minNumberOfSpikes' clusters with nSpikes<minNumberOfSpikes will be
% 'minNumberOfSpikes' clusters with nSpikes<minNumberOfSpikes will be
% removed (default = 20)
% 'noisePeriods' intervals from which spikes should be removed (in bins
% 'noisePeriods' intervals from which spikes should be removed (in bins
% corresponding to the .dat file, NOT seconds)
% 'verbose' Display progress messages (default = true)
% =========================================================================
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minNumberOfSpikes = 20;
mahalThreshold = 12;
mahalThreshold = 12;
removeMultiTrough = true;
removeISIpeak0 = true;
removeSingleBin = true;
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% Parse parameter list
for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
if ~ischar(varargin{i})
error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).']);
error(['Parameter ', num2str(i+2), ' is not a property (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).']);
switch (lower(varargin{i}))
case 'savepath'
savepath = varargin{i+1};
if ~isfolder(savepath)
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case 'noiseperiods'
badIntervals = varargin{i+1};
if ~isdmatrix(badIntervals) || size(badIntervals,2) ~= 2 || any(rem(badIntervals(:),1))
if ~isdmatrix(badIntervals) || size(badIntervals, 2) ~= 2 || any(rem(badIntervals(:), 1))
error('Incorrect value for property ''noisePeriods'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).');
case 'multitrough'
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error('Incorrect value for property ''verbose'' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).');
error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).']);
error(['Unknown property ''', num2str(varargin{i}), ''' (type ''help <a href="matlab:help CleanRez">CleanRez</a>'' for details).']);

%% Impose a Mahalanobis distance threshold on each cluster

if mahalThreshold<Inf && exist('savepath','var') && exist(savepath,'dir')
if verbose, disp(['Removing spikes exceeding a Mahalanobis distance of ' num2str(mahalThreshold)]); end
if mahalThreshold < Inf && exist('savepath', 'var') && exist(savepath, 'dir')
if verbose
disp(['Removing spikes exceeding a Mahalanobis distance of ', num2str(mahalThreshold)]);

% Read the .clu file indicating which cluster every spike is associated with
clu = double(readNPY(fullfile(savepath, 'spike_clusters.npy')));
% Load PCA space to estimate the Mahalanobis distance
PCA = double(readNPY(fullfile(savepath, 'pc_features.npy')));
PCA = reshape(PCA,size(PCA,1),[]);
PCA = reshape(PCA, size(PCA, 1), []);

badCluster = max(clu+1); % select a cluster where we will put all the outlier spikes
nSpikesRemoved = 0;
for i = 0:max(clu)
indices = find(clu==i);
if length(indices)>100
d = mahal(PCA(indices,:),PCA(indices,:));
bad = sqrt(d)>mahalThreshold;
nSpikesRemoved = nSpikesRemoved+sum(bad);
indices = find(clu == i);
if length(indices) > 100
d = mahal(PCA(indices, :), PCA(indices, :));
bad = sqrt(d) > mahalThreshold;
nSpikesRemoved = nSpikesRemoved + sum(bad);
clu(indices(bad)) = badCluster;
if verbose, disp(['Removed a total of ' num2str(sum(nSpikesRemoved)) ' bad spikes (Mahalanobis threshold) to unused cluster ' num2str(badCluster) ' in phy.']); end
if verbose
disp(['Removed a total of ', num2str(sum(nSpikesRemoved)), ' bad spikes (Mahalanobis threshold) to unused cluster ', num2str(badCluster), ' in phy.']);
writeNPY(uint32(clu), fullfile(savepath, 'spike_clusters.npy'));
elseif mahalThreshold<Inf
elseif mahalThreshold < Inf
warning('You did not provide a phy path. Mahalanobis threshold will not be implemented.');

%% Remove spikes inside noisy periods
if exist('badIntervals','var') && exist('savepath','var') && exist(savepath,'dir') % if the user has already exported to phy and wants added labels to noise clusters
if verbose, disp(['Removing spikes taking place inside provided noisy periods']); end
if exist('badIntervals', 'var') && exist('savepath', 'var') && exist(savepath, 'dir') % if the user has already exported to phy and wants added labels to noise clusters
if verbose
disp('Removing spikes taking place inside provided noisy periods');

% Read the .clu file indicating which cluster every spike is associated with
clu = double(readNPY(fullfile(savepath, 'spike_clusters.npy')));
badCluster2 = max(clu+1); % select a cluster where we will put all the spikes inside noisy periods

ok = ~InIntervals(double(rez.st3(:,1)),badIntervals);
ok = ~InIntervals(double(rez.st3(:, 1)), badIntervals);
clu(~ok) = badCluster2;

if verbose, disp(['Removed a total of ' num2str(sum(~ok)) ' bad spikes (inside noisy threshold) to unused cluster ' num2str(badCluster) ' in phy.']); end
if verbose
disp(['Removed a total of ', num2str(sum(~ok)), ' bad spikes (inside noisy threshold) to unused cluster ', num2str(badCluster), ' in phy.']);
writeNPY(uint32(clu), fullfile(savepath, 'spike_clusters.npy'));
elseif exist('noisePeriods','var')
elseif exist('noisePeriods', 'var')
warning('You did not provide a phy path. Noisy spikes will not be labelled bad.');
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%% Find noisy clusters

nClusters = rez.ops.Nfilt;
nChannels = size(rez.U,1);
nChannels = size(rez.U, 1);
% Ignore temporal bins which are always empty (seems to be a Kilosort bug, I haven't investigated)
empty = ~any(any(rez.W,3),2);
empty = ~any(any(rez.W, 3), 2);
nBins = sum(~empty);
% Get the average waveform for each electrode group. We will be comparing these.
meanWaveform = nan(nChannels, nBins, nClusters);
for i = 1:nClusters, meanWaveform(:,:,i) = squeeze(rez.U(:,i,:)) * squeeze(rez.W(~empty,i,:))';end
for i = 1:nClusters
meanWaveform(:, :, i) = squeeze(rez.U(:, i, :)) * squeeze(rez.W(~empty, i, :))';

% Define the waveform range (difference between peak value and trough value).
% The electrode closest to the spike will have the widest range.
mWaveformRange = squeeze(max(meanWaveform,[],2) - min(meanWaveform,[],2));
mWaveformRange = squeeze(max(meanWaveform, [], 2)-min(meanWaveform, [], 2));

detectedOnAllElectrodes = false(nClusters,1);
detectedOnAllElectrodes = false(nClusters, 1);
if removeGlobal
[signal,noise] = deal(nan(nClusters,1));
for i=1:nClusters
thismax = mWaveformRange(:,i)==max(mWaveformRange(:,i)); % logical
[signal, noise] = deal(nan(nClusters, 1));
for i = 1:nClusters
thismax = mWaveformRange(:, i) == max(mWaveformRange(:, i)); % logical
% Get a matrix of differences between the ranges of the signal in each group.
% If the spike is a real spike, the range of the real electrode group will be A LOT higher than the rest.
% This is what we will use to detect noise clusters, where the ranges of electrode groups are more similar.
d = abs(bsxfun(@minus,mWaveformRange(:,i),mWaveformRange(:,i)'));
d(eye(size(d))==1) = nan;
d = abs(bsxfun(@minus, mWaveformRange(:, i), mWaveformRange(:, i)'));
d(eye(size(d)) == 1) = nan;
% Difference between range of the electrode closest to the spike with the ranges of all the other electrodes
% When the spike is clearly visible in one elecrode group, this should be very large.
signal(i,1) = nanmean(reshape(d(thismax,~thismax),[],1));
signal(i, 1) = nanmean(reshape(d(thismax, ~thismax), [], 1));
% Difference between ranges of all the other electrodes (where no real spike should be visible)
% This is our estimate of differences to be expected due to noise, rather than a real spike
noise(i,1) = nanmean(reshape(d(~thismax,~thismax),[],1));
noise(i, 1) = nanmean(reshape(d(~thismax, ~thismax), [], 1));
% signal to noise ratio (snr) below 4 is noisy (imperically defined)
snr = signal./noise;
detectedOnAllElectrodes = snr<3.5;
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(detectedOnAllElectrodes)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' clusters are detected on all channels']); end
snr = signal ./ noise;
detectedOnAllElectrodes = snr < 3.5;
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(detectedOnAllElectrodes)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' clusters are detected on all channels']);

singleBin = false(nClusters,1);
singleBin = false(nClusters, 1);
if removeSingleBin
% Make sure the trough/peak is not a single deviation, but part of at least a couple of points deviating together
% (peak/trough on first or last bin not allowed)
d = nan(nClusters,1);
for i=1:nClusters
d = nan(nClusters, 1);
for i = 1:nClusters
% Define the (closest) channel with the widest waveform range
thismax = mWaveformRange(:,i)==max(mWaveformRange(:,i)); % logical
groupID = find(thismax,1); % index
if isempty(groupID), continue; end
waveform = (meanWaveform(groupID,:,i))'; waveform = (waveform-median(waveform))./diff(quantile(waveform,[0.25 0.75]));
thismax = mWaveformRange(:, i) == max(mWaveformRange(:, i)); % logical
groupID = find(thismax, 1); % index
if isempty(groupID)
waveform = (meanWaveform(groupID, :, i))';
waveform = (waveform - median(waveform)) ./ diff(quantile(waveform, [0.25, 0.75]));

[maxValue,idx] = max(abs(waveform));
si = sign(waveform(idx));
if idx==1 || idx==length(waveform), continue; end
[~, idx] = max(abs(waveform));
if idx == 1 || idx == length(waveform)
% make sure the nearest bins are also the same sign (not a single bin fluctuation)
if abs(waveform(idx-1)-waveform(idx))<abs(waveform(idx+1)-waveform(idx))
idx1 = idx-1; else; idx1 = idx+1;
if abs(waveform(idx-1)-waveform(idx)) < abs(waveform(idx+1)-waveform(idx))
idx1 = idx - 1;
idx1 = idx + 1;
d(i,1) = waveform(idx1)/waveform(idx);
d(i, 1) = waveform(idx1) / waveform(idx);
singleBin = ~(d > 0);
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(singleBin)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' clusters are a single-bin spike']);
singleBin = ~ (d>0);
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(singleBin)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' clusters are a single-bin spike']); end

multiplePeaksAndTroughs = false(nClusters,1);
multiplePeaksAndTroughs = false(nClusters, 1);
if removeMultiTrough
% Some waveforms look like a noisy oscillation: no single peak/trough:
nPeaksAndTroughs = nan(nClusters,1);
for i=1:nClusters
thismax = mWaveformRange(:,i)==max(mWaveformRange(:,i)); % logical
groupID = find(thismax,1); % index
waveform = nanzscore(meanWaveform(groupID,:,i));
nPeaksAndTroughs = nan(nClusters, 1);
for i = 1:nClusters
thismax = mWaveformRange(:, i) == max(mWaveformRange(:, i)); % logical
groupID = find(thismax, 1); % index
waveform = nanzscore(meanWaveform(groupID, :, i));
if any(~isnan(waveform))
troughs = strfind([nan;diff(Smooth(waveform(:),1))>0]',[0 1])';
troughs = strfind([nan; diff(Smooth(waveform(:), 1)) > 0]', [0, 1])';
maxTrough = min(waveform(troughs));
troughs(waveform(troughs)>maxTrough/2) = []; % ignore local minima that are negligible fluctuations compared to the real trough
troughs(waveform(troughs) > maxTrough/2) = []; % ignore local minima that are negligible fluctuations compared to the real trough
nTroughs = length(troughs);
peaks = strfind([nan;diff(Smooth(waveform(:),1))>0]',[1 0])';
peaks = strfind([nan; diff(Smooth(waveform(:), 1)) > 0]', [1, 0])';
maxPeak = max(waveform(peaks));
peaks(waveform(peaks)<maxPeak/2) = []; % ignore local minima that are negligible fluctuations compared to the real trough
peaks(waveform(peaks) < maxPeak/2) = []; % ignore local minima that are negligible fluctuations compared to the real trough
nPeaks = length(peaks);
nPeaksAndTroughs(i,1) = min([nPeaks nTroughs]);
nPeaksAndTroughs(i, 1) = min([nPeaks, nTroughs]);
multiplePeaksAndTroughs = nPeaksAndTroughs>1;
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(multiplePeaksAndTroughs)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' have too many troughs/peaks']); end
multiplePeaksAndTroughs = nPeaksAndTroughs > 1;
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(multiplePeaksAndTroughs)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' have too many troughs/peaks']);

isiViolation = false(nClusters,1); % if the most spikes are in the middle bin in the ACG
isiViolation = false(nClusters, 1); % if the most spikes are in the middle bin in the ACG
if removeISIpeak0
for i=1:nClusters
spikes = rez.st3(rez.st3(:,2)==i)/rez.ops.fs;
if length(spikes)>1
[acg,acg_t] = CCG(spikes,ones(size(spikes)),'binSize',0.003,'duration',0.031);
[~,idxMax] = max(acg);
[~,idx0] = min(abs(acg_t)); % bin t=0
if idxMax==idx0
for i = 1:nClusters
spikes = rez.st3(rez.st3(:, 2) == i) / rez.ops.fs;
if length(spikes) > 1
[acg, acg_t] = CCG(spikes, ones(size(spikes)), 'binSize', 0.003, 'duration', 0.031);
[~, idxMax] = max(acg);
[~, idx0] = min(abs(acg_t)); % bin t=0
if idxMax == idx0
isiViolation(i) = true;
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(isiViolation)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' have a strong peak at t=0 in the ACG']); end
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(isiViolation)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' have a strong peak at t=0 in the ACG']);

% We can also delete clusters with less than a certain number of spikes, e.g. 5
clu = double(readNPY(fullfile(savepath, 'spike_clusters.npy')));
nSpikes = accumarray(clu+1,1);
tooFew = nSpikes<minNumberOfSpikes; if length(tooFew)>nClusters, tooFew = tooFew(1:nClusters); end
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(tooFew)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' have too few assigned spikes']); end
nSpikes = accumarray(clu+1, 1);
tooFew = nSpikes < minNumberOfSpikes;
if length(tooFew) > nClusters, tooFew = tooFew(1:nClusters);
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(tooFew)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' have too few assigned spikes']);

detectedOnAllElectrodes(end+1:nClusters) = false;
singleBin(end+1:nClusters) = false;
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% Clusters selected by any of the above criteria are marked as "noisy"
noisy = detectedOnAllElectrodes | singleBin | multiplePeaksAndTroughs | isiViolation | tooFew;
if verbose, disp([num2str(sum(noisy)) '/' num2str(nClusters) ' clusters removed in total']); end
if verbose
disp([num2str(sum(noisy)), '/', num2str(nClusters), ' clusters removed in total']);

% delete noisy clusters to clean the rez file
rez.cProj(ismember(rez.st3(:,2),find(noisy)),:) = [];
rez.cProjPC(ismember(rez.st3(:,2),find(noisy)),:) = [];
rez.st3(ismember(rez.st3(:,2),find(noisy)),:) = [];
rez.cProj(ismember(rez.st3(:, 2), find(noisy)), :) = [];
rez.cProjPC(ismember(rez.st3(:, 2), find(noisy)), :) = [];
rez.st3(ismember(rez.st3(:, 2), find(noisy)), :) = [];

% Export labels for phy
if exist('savepath','var') && exist(savepath,'dir') % if the user has already exported to phy and wants added labels to noise clusters
display(['Exporting results to ' fullfile(savepath,'cluster_group.tsv')]);
if ~exist(fullfile(savepath,'cluster_group.tsv'))
fid = fopen(fullfile(savepath,'cluster_group.tsv'),'w');
if exist('savepath', 'var') && exist(savepath, 'dir') % if the user has already exported to phy and wants added labels to noise clusters
display(['Exporting results to ', fullfile(savepath, 'cluster_group.tsv')]);
if ~exist(fullfile(savepath, 'cluster_group.tsv'), "file")
fid = fopen(fullfile(savepath, 'cluster_group.tsv'), 'w');
fwrite(fid, sprintf('cluster_id\t%s\r\n', 'group'));
fid = fopen(fullfile(savepath,'cluster_group.tsv'),'a'); % the file already exists. Add labels to the end
fid = fopen(fullfile(savepath, 'cluster_group.tsv'), 'a'); % the file already exists. Add labels to the end
indices = find(noisy)-1; % phy notation starts from 0
for i=1:length(indices)
indices = find(noisy) - 1; % phy notation starts from 0
for i = 1:length(indices)
fwrite(fid, sprintf('%d\t%s\r\n', indices(i), 'noise'));
if exist('badCluster','var') % if we performed Mahalanobis distance cleaning, mark this new outlier cluster (absent from the rez file) as bad as well
if exist('badCluster', 'var') % if we performed Mahalanobis distance cleaning, mark this new outlier cluster (absent from the rez file) as bad as well
fwrite(fid, sprintf('%d\t%s\r\n', badCluster, 'noise'));
if exist('badCluster2','var') % if we performed noisy periods cleaning, mark this new outlier cluster (absent from the rez file) as bad as well
if exist('badCluster2', 'var') % if we performed noisy periods cleaning, mark this new outlier cluster (absent from the rez file) as bad as well
fwrite(fid, sprintf('%d\t%s\r\n', badCluster2, 'noise'));
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