Portfolio Website - Aya Asylbek
Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This website showcases my journey and skills as a Software Engineer in Training. Here, you can find information about my professional background, technical skills, experience, and ways to connect with me.
This portfolio is a demonstration of my growth in software development, including my ongoing work at "Techtonica"and my previous experience as a Certified orthodontic specialist. The website is built using modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
--- Features:
- "About Me": Information about my background and technical skills.
- "My Photo": A section showcasing my photo.
- "Social Media Links": Connect with me on LinkedIn, GitHub, and via Email.
- "Contact Form": A form to reach out and hire me with fields for name, email, phone number, and address.
3.Technologies Used
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap (for responsive design)
- Font Awesome (for icons)
--- Steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://aya-asylbek.github.io/portfolio-webpage-project/git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd portfolio-website
Open index.html in your preferred browser to view the portfolio website.
----Live Demo
Check out the live version of my portfolio on GitHub Pages: Live Portfolio https://aya-asylbek.github.io/portfolio-webpage-project/
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
-- Acknowledgements
- "Techtonica" for providing the learning opportunity.
- Bootstrap for responsive design components.
- Font Awesome for the icons used in the project.