- 👋 Hello, I’m @axel-t81
- 🌱 As of March 2024 I've been transitioning careers from accounting & bookkeeping to becoming a developer or software engineer. I'm making use of the vast amount of learning materials online, while also studying a Masters of IT at the University of New England (UNE), and completing certificate courses on Coursera.
- 👀 My current interests include Python, Django web apps, SQL and PostgreSQL, as well as more long term goals in AI, machine learning, and computer vision, as well as algorithmic trading and different fintech apps.
- 🔥 I'd like to be eventually become a tech founder, but at this point just want more experience and training within a team that I can learn with and from. I'm keen to work with startups, or innovative and entrepreneurial organisations, or just teams that offer solid training and development.
- 💞️ In 2024 I joined both the IEEE and the Australian Computer Society (ACS), and have really loved being part of these professional associations. I hope to develop my ties to these organisations more over time, and continue to learn from the experts that both the IEEE and ACS regularly allow me exposure to.
- 📫 How to reach me: Feel free to reach out via the contact points provided on my GitHub Profile :-D
- Australia
(UTC +11:00) - kojreycodes.com
- @kojrey_codes
- in/axeltracy
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google-calendar-economic-events PublicVersion 1 : An app that collects economic calendar events via APIs, loads them into an embedded Google Calendar, and allows visitors to download/access the public calendar. Version 2: After difficu…
Python 1
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kojrey-portfolio-site PublicThe repo for kojreycodes.com, a portfolio site to display my learning progress from the March 2024 career change.
nooblinkninjas-nft-based-ticketing-system-blockmagic PublicNoobLink Ninjas was my hackathon team for the Chainlink BlockMagic hackathon in 2024. The hackathon submission was a NFT-based sports event ticketing system.
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