building a pipeline for processing HB Water aquatic camera trap photos for machine learning, with hopes to support further efforts to produce models from similar datasets.
- image data re-organization
- project file organization, structure, and primary host - GDrive? Server?
- created inverted masked images
- classify pixels in image using image annotator
- run random forest model
- create data product: markdown
- create data product: application
Tasks | People | Step |
BG, HS | 1 | |
HO, BG | 2 | |
HO, BG, HS | 2 | |
HO, BG, HS | 2 | |
HO, BG, HS | 3 | |
HS | 3 | |
HS, BG, HO | 3 | |
HO | 3 | |
HS, BG, HO | Other | |
figure out our file hosting options: server, google drive, local files, etc. | AT, WS | 3 |
HS, HO | 3 | |
HS, HO, BG | 4 | |
HO, HS, BG | 5 | |
HO, HS, BG | 5 |
Tasks | People | Step |
XX | 7 | |
export Jupyter notebook to .py files | XX | 8 |
While the above steps are roughly in order, we will be working on certain aspects of the project throughout, such as:
- Keeping all code well-documented and clean
- Creating Jupyter notebooks for each script with embedded markdown/html that explains each step of the script
- Determining a final product to make data pipeline easily accessible to average scientist
- Figured out how to click through image files with mask applied
- Figured outredrawing ROI and applying new mask to remaining images
- Working on file naming conventions/organizing GitHub
- derived
- munged
- raw
- 01-folder
- 02-folder
- etc.
- dep (dependencies)
- sandbox
- index.rmd
- 01.rmd
- .yml files