gopl Public
Forked from torbiak/goplSolutions to K&D's The Go Programming Language exercises
Go UpdatedJun 7, 2020 -
Flight-Map-Web-App Public
Shows the path an airplane has traveled on a map of the world.
Arkanoid-Base Public
Beginning of the classic paddle and bricks Arkanoid Game.
Java UpdatedJul 10, 2019 -
Flight-Simulator-Desktop-App Public
A flight simulator that controls a simulated airplane via joystick and manual commands. Includes a graph of the path that the plane has covered
Mobile-App-Flight-Simulator Public
An android app that controls the airplane using a joystick
2048 Public
An implementation of the classic game 2048
Functions-Calculator-AP2-Ex1 Public
First homework assignment in Advanced Programming 2
C# UpdatedJun 7, 2019 -