Projects in the curriculum Creative Coding of 2023 autumn
Desription: A wall divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts. Within each part, three of the four kinds of lines are superimposed.
Elements: lines in 4 directions: horizontal, vertical, 45 diagonal right and 45 diagonal left
Step: Split the plane into grids(get the horizental&vertical lines); Draw the diagonal lines in 4 steps(to get the four parts artificially)
Composition: The whole picture will be generated by code instantly, be like
Desription: Try to reproduce the style of Monderian
Elements: 1)basic lines, the code of first line of blocks is from funprogramming from PROCESSING. And the next two lines are works I learned from the first one (;
2)rectangulars, I try to make it interactive;
3)ellipses, I try to make it animated, since I found that in Mondrian's work Tree, ellipses can be a kind of basic element;
Step: Choose a basic element; Choose the colors; Choose the way all the elements are arranged. (Since I was struggling with PROCESSING, I illustrated the steps from exsiting coding work, and then generated in my own way.)