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The Hardcore Alchemy modpack is a hardcore/magic/survival modpack.
🦋 What is Hardcore Alchemy?
Hardcore as in Hardcore Mode (but you keep your world).
In Hardcore Alchemy, you live as a shapeshifting mage in an unforgiving world. You can use your morphing ability to avoid combat, but only for a limited time. When you die, you respawn elsewhere and are unlikely to find your old base again. But over time, you may accumulate resources or magic research which stay with you.
Become a powerful mage or get stuck as a chicken for the rest of your life. When you die, the negative effects of the magic you have acquired are erased, allowing you to forge a new path. A curated selection of magic mods are enhanced with custom-coded mechanics, adding additional tradeoffs.
Thoughtful survival.
You are weak, and have additional survival needs like nutrition and thirst. Stone is harder, food will decay, and you will have reduced starting health that can be upgraded through various challenges.
A curated selection of survival and mob mods have been thoughtfully configured and modified to strike a balance of fairness and difficulty. Some survival mechanics have been custom-coded with this modpack in mind.
Play at your own pace.
Choose when you are ready to venture from the safety of your base. Mobs will not relentlessly dig through your base to get to you. You are not on a timer. And you will rarely be trapped in your base with nothing to do.
A craftable in-game guidebook, "The Traveling Alchemist," gives you guidance on how to survive and progress. Once you have the tools necessary for your survival, what you do next is up to you.
The main guide to the pack is called, "The Traveling Alchemist;" it is available here in the wiki, and is also craftable in-game using early game materials. Crafting a shovel is strongly recommended.
Not sure where to start? Check out the Getting Started Guide.
Familiar with MultiMC? Get the latest the modpack instance here.
- (2025-02-08) Released Hardcore Alchemy modpack version 0.8.4, which adds missing potion recipes (finally) and various magic integrations.
- (2024-05-26) Released Hardcore Alchemy mod suite version 0.8.3, which includes a fix for Blood Magic rituals stopping on owner relog.
- (2023-12-22) Security hotfix 0.8.2 release. Changelog here.
Previous Announcements and Chat
Server Security Warning: If you are thinking of running the Hardcore Alchemy modpack in multiplayer, my advice to you is: Please don't! However, if you attempt to do so anyway, please upgrade to 0.8.2 or later, keep your server in whitelisted mode, and read this server security guide.
Hardcore Alchemy Modpack Downloads
You can use these to verify your modpack ZIP file has not been corrupted or tampered with.
Version 0.8.4 64136eb8406dfeed2e2fa28f4f842d3c18fc392556a48900c31a8194dd1f9748
Version 0.8.2 90733232223861c11d2e5c1c6c56b262b6f6bd50d09cf17d7267db0f5c75c6ae
Mod list, links, and author credits
- Ad Inferos by superdextor
- Alchemic Ash by Levi_Kornelsen
- Alchemic Patch by asanetargoss
- Animus by TeamDman
- AppleCore by squeek502
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
- AromaBackup by Aroma1997
- Ars Magica 2 (custom build used) (original by Mithion and Growlith1223)
- Aspect Tweaker by asanetargoss
- Astral Sorcery by HellFirePvP
- AutoRegLib by Vazkii
- Baubles by Azanor
- Better Builder's Wands by Portablejim
- Better Than Mending by legobmw99
- Blood Magic by WayOfTime
- Blood Magic Plus by Invadrmonky
- Bloodmoon by Lumien
- Bonemealable babies by Xbony2
- Born in a Barn by Spieger
- Chameleon Creepers by Vel0cityX
- Changeling by asanetargoss (fork of Metamorph by mchorse)
- ColorUtility by Axer
- CompatLayer by McJty
- Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
- CraftTweaker (custom build used) (original by jaredlll08 and Stan Hebben)
- Deadly Monsters (custom build used) (original by RadexG)
- Dirt2Path by mallrat208
- DominionLib by asanetargoss (fork of mclib by mchorse)
- Embers (custom build used) (original by elucent)
- Ender Zoo by CrazyPants
- Ex Nihilo Omnia (custom build used) (original by Raven2396)
- ExpandedBonemeal by josephcsible
- Extra Alchemy by zabi94
- Farming for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
- Fast Leaf Decay by Olafski
- FoamFix by asiekierka
- Guide-API by TehNut
- Hardcore Alchemy Core by asanetargoss
- Hardcore Alchemy Tweaks by asanetargoss
- Hardcore Alchemy Creatures by asanetargoss
- Hardcore Alchemy Magic by asanetargoss
- Hardcore Alchemy Survival by asanetargoss
- Hardcore Alchemy Modpack mod by asanetargoss
- Hwyla by TehNut
- Iberia (custom build used) (original by gibraltarMC)
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- Iron Backpacks by gr8pefish
- Item Scroller by masa
- Jon's Useless Mod by Jon
- Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) by mrAppleXZ
- Just Enough Items (JEI) by mezz
- Just Enough Magiculture by Invadrmonky
- Just Enough Resources by Way2muchnoise
- Keyboard Wizard (custom build used) (original by mrnerdy42)
- Kill it With Fire by asanetargoss
- Klee Slabs by BlayTheNinth
- Lapis Stays in the Enchanting Table by csb987
- Life Drain by WolfieWaffle
- Mantle by Slime Knights
- Meme In A Bottle by Mrbysco
- Minecraft Comes Alive by WildBamaBoy
- ModTweaker by jaredlll08
- MTLib by jaredlll08
- Mystical Agriculture by BlakeBr0
- NetherPortalFix by BlayTheNinth
- New World Order by djsrv
- Not Enough Potions by Tmtravlr
- Not Enough Wands by romelo333
- Nutrition (custom build used) (original by WesCook)
- OpenBlocks Elevator by VsnGamer and OpenMods
- Pam's HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil and Rhodox
- Potion Core by Tmtravlr
- ProjectE by sinkillerj
- Quark by Vazkii
- RadixCore by WildBamaBoy
- Rainbow Oak Trees by csb987 and Benimatic
- Shadowfacts' Forgelin by shadowfacsmc
- Sophisticated Wolves by NightKosh
- Stalker Creepers by AtomicStryker
- Stuff A Sock In It by Darkhax
- Survival Tweaks by SoraZodia
- SwingThroughGrass by exidex
- TeleToro by ToroCraft
- Thaumcraft by Azanor
- The Spice of Life by squeek502
- Think Big Core by superdextor
- Tough As Nails by Glitchfiend, Adubbz, and Forstride
- Unique Crops by bafomdad
- Village Box by ckhbox
- Waila Harvestability by squeek502
- Wawla - What Are We Looking At by Darkhax and ProfMobius
- Webshooter by josephcsible
- WTP - What's This Pack by Robosphinx