This repo contains documentation and information for the NCHS-CMS Medicare data linkage. More info can be found here:
- Medicare enrollment
- FFS claims
- Prescription drug events
- Patient assessments
- 2016-2018 MA encounter data
The following Medicare data files are available:
- Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF)
- Standard Analytic Files (SAFs)
- FFS - final action health care claims
- Inpatient; SNF; Outpatient; Carrier; HHA; DME; Hospice
- Medicare advantage - claims submitted by MAOs
- Inpatient; SNF; Outpatient; Carrier; HHA; DME
- FFS - final action health care claims
- Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR)
- Hospitalization and SNF stays covered by FFS Medicare
- Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Events
- Home Health Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
- Long-Term Care Minimum Data Set (MDS)
- Base A/B/C/D segment: includes individual-level contextual info such as linkage ID, DOB, Medicare coverage start date, and geocodes
- Chronic Conditions segment: occurrence and timing of chronic conditions
- Cost and utilization segment: payment info
- Prescription drug event (PDE) claims: prescription drug coverage and type