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this repo has locked the main deps version: [email protected], [email protected], so that you can keep the dev-env and runtime-env consistent as much as possible.

after considering various factors(capability in code development, app develop time, cost of code maintenance), have derived the best practices for developing cross-platform desktop applications.


Develop In Local

  1. build and publish dotnet library
    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm run build:dll
  2. install electron app deps
    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm install
  3. start webpack dev server in electron app
    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm run watch:render
  4. start tsc watch in electron app
    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm run watch:main
  5. start electron app
    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm run dev

Write a C# method and Invoke it in Electron

recommend ways below

  1. define a class and static method in usual sync syntax(not async/await)

    using System;
    using System.Runtime;
    namespace CrossPlatform.Library
        public class SystemUtils
            public static string WhatIsTime()
                string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff");
                return now;
  2. define a class and async method to call the method in the step 1 for node

    using System;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace CrossPlatform.Library
        public class SystemUtils4Node
            // WARN! WARN! WARN!
            // suggest define the parameter, even you don't need
            // just to avoid invoke Error
            public async Task<object> WhatIsTime(dynamic input)
                string result = SystemUtils.WhatIsTime();
                return result;
  3. use electron-edge-js to invoke(you can use main-process/dll-bridge-invoke directly)

    // relative path , split 【dotnet-dll】 directory and use the rest
    const assemblyPath = 'CrossPlatform.Library.dll';
    // suggest to include namespace
    const className = 'CrossPlatform.Library.SystemUtils4Node';
    const methodName = 'WhatIsTime';
    dllBridgeInvoke(assemblyPath, className, methodName)
        .then((res) =>'res', res)) // res 2024-12-10 17:09:45.082
        .catch((err) => console.error('err', err));

Main Process - Renderer Process Communication

To simplify the logic, this project has encapsulated and streamlined several IPC communication APIs.

The APIs avoid the impact of broadcasting, meaning the relationship between window or view and their respective loaded views is one-to-one binding.

  1. invoke / handle -> Corresponds to ipcRenderer.invoke and ipcMain.handle.

  2. on / send -> Corresponds to ipcMain.onipcRenderer.on and ipcMain.sendipcRenderer.send

The project introduces the concepts of Art, ArtWin, and ArtView.

Among these, ArtWin and ArtView can load views, so specific event communication exists on these two concepts.

  1. Art -> Base class of the application, responsible for managing ArtWin, i.e., managing the application’s main window.

  2. ArtWin -> Main window class, containing the BrowserWindow instance, and is used to manage ArtView.

  3. ArtView -> View class, containing the BrowserView instance, used in scenarios without an independent window.

// main-process
const mainWin: ArtWin = new ArtWin({
const connection: IConnection = mainWin.getConnection();

connection.on('art-ipc-evt-1', (evt, payload) => {
    // payload = 'evt-1-from-render'
connection.send('art-ipc-evt-2', 'evt-2-from-main');
connection.handle('art-ipc-evt-3', async (evt, payload) => {
    // payload = 'evt-2-from-render'

    return 'evt-3-from-main';

// render-process
window.ipcClient.send('art-ipc-evt-1', 'evt-1-from-render');
window.ipcClient.on('art-ipc-evt-2', (evt, payload) => {
    // payload = 'evt-2-from-main'
    .invoke('art-ipc-evt-3', 'evt-3-from-render')
    .then(res => {
        // res = 'evt-3-from-main'

Repo Contents

  • CrossPlatform.DesktopApp

    • main project as desktop application
    • published to .dmg installer for Mac OS, .exe installer for Windows OS, .deb installer for Linux-based OS
    • based on [email protected]
    • use electron-edge-js to invoke .dll published by CrossPlatform.Library, so that you can leverage system-level APIs or capabilities at a very low cost
  • CrossPlatform.Library

    • project used to develop class library
    • published to .dll to be used in electron nodejs runtime environment invoked by electron-edge-js
    • based on .net 8
    • due to using .net core, so need to publish self-contained library for desktop app to use as expected in any platform
  • CrossPlatform.LibTest

    • project used to test CrossPlatform.Library
    • a console application, supported Windows OS, Mac OS, Linux-based OS
    • based on .net 8


DLL Library

  1. (recommended in Windows) test in CrossPlatform.LibTest under Visual Studio IDE

    # no need for shell, just open the solution file in Visual Studio IDE, then run the CrossPlatform.LibTest project
  2. (any platform) test in CrossPlatform.LibTest under Terminal

    cd CrossPlatform.LibTest
    dotnet run
  3. (any platform) test in CrossPlatform.DesktopApp under nodejs runtime (not electron)

    cd CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
    npm run test

Unit Test in Desktop App


How To Fork And Extend

  1. fork
  2. replace electron version for your favorite
  3. replace .net version for your favorite
  4. replace app nameapp icon etc. in CrossPlatform.DesktopApp
  5. add class library if needed, then publish in CrossPlatform.Library
  6. build and publish CrossPlatform.DesktopApp


  1. tips
  2. electron config detail need pay attention


  1. sutck the step when install electron-edge-js and electron

    • make sure you've install node-gyp and node-pre-gyp
    • BTW, use @mapbox/node-pre-gyp
  2. stuck the step when install node-gyp and node-pre-gyp : idealTree buildDeps

    • try to run cmd npm set strict-ssl false to disable ipv6


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