Releases: arsors/arsorscookie
Switched to babel and browserify
Added appendSelector
Add appendSelector to select where the html of the cookie notice gets append. Thanks to @MarcoPNS for this idea. Cheers!
ArsorsCookie v0.3.3
Small fix for non node users.
Improved my beloved merge function, once again
Now you have to merge like this: ArsorsCookie.prototype.merge({}, Object1, Object2);
I am so sorry that this method is changed so often! If you have a stable, better and small solution for merge() please do a pull request. I would be very happy.
Improve browser compatibility
- The compiled arsors.cookie.min.js should now work again in all supported browsers (see Readme).
- Removed polyfills from arsors.cookie.js and include core-js as dev-depenendency
ES6 compatible and ready for npm
!! Breaking Changes !!
- Switched to classes (ES6 compatible)
- Renamed arsorsCookie to ArsorsCookie (to initialize: new ArsorsCookie())
- Removed arsors.cookie.css (only minified in dist)
- Renamed src/arsors.cookie.css to .scss
Deep Merge
There was a issue with the merge function. Now the merge function also deep merge. Use merge for example like: arsorsCookie.prototype.merge(true, globalConfig, langConfig);
The true
is for deep merge, leave it for shallow merging.
Switch to prototype based coding style
Now compilers like babel can be used. Please note that arsorsCookie(false) is now deprecated. Use arsorsCookie.prototype instead.
Added <scripts> to data-src attributes
0.1.3 Update arsors.cookie.min.js
Replace window.onload with alternative function
To prevent overwriting the window.onload function, I replaced onload with an alternative function. Now you can use window.onload without problems in your script.