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Releases: arsors/arsorscookie

Switched to babel and browserify

10 Nov 16:57
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Switched to babel and browserify

Added appendSelector

15 Apr 14:57
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Add appendSelector to select where the html of the cookie notice gets append. Thanks to @MarcoPNS for this idea. Cheers!

ArsorsCookie v0.3.3

03 Dec 15:00
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Small fix for non node users.

Improved my beloved merge function, once again

01 Oct 13:26
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Now you have to merge like this: ArsorsCookie.prototype.merge({}, Object1, Object2);
I am so sorry that this method is changed so often! If you have a stable, better and small solution for merge() please do a pull request. I would be very happy.

Improve browser compatibility

11 Sep 15:00
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  • The compiled arsors.cookie.min.js should now work again in all supported browsers (see Readme).
  • Removed polyfills from arsors.cookie.js and include core-js as dev-depenendency

ES6 compatible and ready for npm

09 Sep 10:23
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!! Breaking Changes !!

  • Switched to classes (ES6 compatible)
  • Renamed arsorsCookie to ArsorsCookie (to initialize: new ArsorsCookie())
  • Removed arsors.cookie.css (only minified in dist)
  • Renamed src/arsors.cookie.css to .scss

Deep Merge

25 Jun 13:23
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There was a issue with the merge function. Now the merge function also deep merge. Use merge for example like: arsorsCookie.prototype.merge(true, globalConfig, langConfig); The true is for deep merge, leave it for shallow merging.

Switch to prototype based coding style

24 Jun 18:00
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Now compilers like babel can be used. Please note that arsorsCookie(false) is now deprecated. Use arsorsCookie.prototype instead.

Added <scripts> to data-src attributes

27 May 10:36
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Update arsors.cookie.min.js

Replace window.onload with alternative function

15 Oct 13:58
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To prevent overwriting the window.onload function, I replaced onload with an alternative function. Now you can use window.onload without problems in your script.