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نسخه اندرویدی با صفحه گرافیکی:
Do not download thermox from Google Play.
bash <(curl -fsSL
Since he tries to install Python at the first step, he may need VPN!
▫️The a few more times if you get a configuration of the wires to Error Time Out
(For people to be erecard Best_result[0]Are eating) If so, you can first scan from other IP scanners And after you hit the option three you will be asked if you enter the IP with the port or if you enter n it will select the IP I already.
4. To get the Configuration of Wiregard in a sub -link with the desired number, enter the 4s. Try to use the pair numbers for configgling number
If you ate Error August, test a few more times
This is for those who take the Requests
By entering option 1 and after that You can get the IP version of the glass, which is also implemented for Mahsa and Vittori for option 2 for Mahsa and Vittori
After copying the configgling wire guard with the IP version of the glass and then entering into the client, do so to avoid bug
- 1. Pencils
- 2. Putting the bracket next to IP[IPVSH]
- 3. Interest
If you hit n it will choose the ipy I already left Otherwise IP with Port Example:
IPV4: Port You enter
Ask you whether the sites (Panda Kung Fu) are blocked or not
Name and close thermox window and open new.
Type of use:
- Enter the name you gave to run the script
- Take the same number to erase it again and y
12. by hitting this option you can get a wigger configgling for Nika Annie without the need to scan IP
17. To get the Configuration of WiGeard for Singbox and the older version of Hydifa in the sub -link option
0 Busbasi 10, with a thunderbolt.
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