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[CM3070] Final Project - BSc CS University of London

Deep Learning on Satellite Imagery
and running inference on the
Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller

by Arjun Bajaj

About The Project

This codebase is part of the CM3070 Final Project submission for the University of London BSc Computer Science degree.

The project is about Classifying Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning. The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate the ability and run a high-accuracy yet tiny model on a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller. To that end, various model architectures are explored. State-of-the-Art models are built only for demonstration purposes. Transfer Learning is explored to demonstrate the possibility of fine-tuning models for different types of satellites. Finally, a small high accuracy model is built which is deployed on the Pico successfully. A script which runs on the host sends images to the Pico and collects results in a CSV. The results and the final model are evaluated too. TensorFlow Lite is used to convert and deploy the model on the Pico.

Directory Structure of the project

The following is the directory structure of the project along with some explanations of each file.

  diode.uf2                       # The pre-built Pico image
  eurosat.keras                   # The final model of the project (Keras Format)
  eurosat.tflite                  # The final model of the project (TFLite Format)
  pico-inference-results.csv      # CSV of 1,000 inference results from the Pico
  eurosat-model-architecture.png  # A Netron exported diagram of the final model

  1.exploring-dataset.ipynb             # Exploring the EuroSAT dataset
  2.establishing-baseline.ipynb         # Establishing a sensible baseline
  3.exploring-models.ipynb              # Exploring possible models
  4.powerful-small-model.ipynb          # Building the final model
  5.tflite-model-for-pico.ipynb         # Converting Model to TFLite
  6.evaluation-and-pico-results.ipynb   # Evaluation on Test Dataset
  7.transfer-learning-models.ipynb      # Transfer Learning Models
  8.sota-models.ipynb                   # State-of-the-Art Models                               # Helper Functions

notebooks-html/             # All notebooks compiled into HTML files

  lib/pico-tflmicro         # Git submodule of TFLiteMicro for Pico
  CMakeLists.txt            # CMake Build File
  eurosat.h                 # Automatically generated model in C Header Format
  main.cpp                  # Source code for Pico build
  pico_sdk_import.cmake     # CMake Script to locate Pico SDK (copied from SDK)
  build/                    # The Pico image is built in this folder

scripts/          # Script to download, split and process datasets          # Script to run on the host for Pico inference   # Script to prepare images for Pico          # Script to split any dataset into train, val, test

Packages required for this project

Python Packages required for this project:


Other Requirements:

  1. imagemagick and its mogrify command
  2. xxd command (usually pre-installed on Linux and macOS)

Setup Instructions

  1. Setup a Conda Environment (this project used Miniforge)

  2. Install Packages

  • ImageMagick is required to convert TIF files of the UC Merced dataset into JPG

    brew install imagemagick      # MacOS or Linux
    sudo apt install imagemagick  # Ubuntu
  • For M1 Macs (Source:

    $ conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
    $ conda activate base
    (base) $ pip install tensorflow-macos tensorflow-metal
  • For Other OSes, things should just work after setting up Miniforge

  • Install Python Packages:

    $ conda activate base
    (base) $ pip install pyserial numpy tensorflow matplotlib sklearn pandas seaborn
  1. Clone this repo and its pico-tflmicro submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules
  1. Setup the Pico build environment if you want to build the Pico image from source. Otherwise, the pre-built image can be copied from artifacts/diode.uf2 to the Pico. See instructions below.

  2. Run scripts/ to download, split and process the datasets.

  3. All the notebooks and Pico inferencing can be re-run at this point.

Deploying an image to the Pico

  1. Hold the BOOTSEL button on the Pico, and connect the Pico to the computer.
  2. Navigate to the Pico drive that shows up (usually named RPI-RP2).
  3. Copy the artifacts/diode.uf2 file to the Pico drive.
  4. The Pico will unmount automatically and flash the image. Once that happens, disconnect the Pico from the computer.
  5. Activate the already-setup conda environment: conda activate base
  6. Run: python3 scripts/
  7. Connect the Pico to the computer.

Building an image for the Pico from source

You only need to follow these steps if you want to build the UF2 image yourself. Otherwise, just copy the pre-built UF2 image to the Pico using the instructions above.

  1. Setup the Pico SDK following the instructions here for your platform:

  2. Run the following:

$ cd pico
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
  1. The image is built and ready to be copied. Follow instructions above to copy the pico/build/diode.uf2 image and run inference.

The Architecture of the Final Model

Layer (type)              Output Shape             Param #
InputLayer                [(None, 64, 64, 3)]      0
Rescaling                 (None, 64, 64, 3)        0
Conv2D                    (None, 62, 62, 32)       896
MaxPooling2D              (None, 31, 31, 32)       0
SeparableConv2D           (None, 29, 29, 64)       2400
MaxPooling2D              (None, 14, 14, 64)       0
SeparableConv2D           (None, 12, 12, 64)       4736
MaxPooling2D              (None, 6, 6, 64)         0
SeparableConv2D           (None, 4, 4, 128)        8896
GlobalAveragePooling2D    (None, 128)              0
Dropout                   (None, 128)              0
Dense                     (None, 10)               1290
Total params: 18,218
Trainable params: 18,218
Non-trainable params: 0

Netron Diagram of the Final Model

Netron Diagram of eurosat.tflite

Created using Netron


UoL BSc CS [CM3070] Final Project






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