A command-line utility that creates projects from templates for any language The templating language is similar to handlebars or mustache templates.
- Download the latest binary for your OS release from the releases page
- Rename the file to
- Make the file executable (
chmod +x cookiecutter
) - Check out the help menu for usage instructions
cookiecutter help
- (Optional Step) Move it to a folder in your PATH variable. (
mv cookiecutter /bin
- Basic find and replacement of variables
- Ignore parsing files in .gitignore
- Find & replace directory names that are templates
cookiecutter run [directory] [find1 replace1 find2 replace2 ...]
This is a handler file in a project directory
package handler
import (
var (
func Info(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "service name is %s and version %s\n", SERVICE, VERSION)
Running the following command in the directory which holds this file will replace SERVICE & VERSION with login and v1 respectively
cookiecutter run . SERVICE login VERSION v1
Example templates can be found in the examples folder
Pull requests are welcome!