a small cli program written in go that generates random ip addresses and "does things" to them.
Q: "why would you make this?"
A: I was very bored.
legal disclaimer: no this isn't a "hacking" tool, it's a goofy piece of software that spits text out onto the screen and nothing more. I wholeheartedly encourage that this software be used in le funny hacking montage.
download whichever version is compatible with your OS (if such a version isn't listed, I'm so sorry!), then run it via your terminal!
i.e. ./ipaddrgen-PLATFORM-ARCH
for help with command-line arguments (for some fun customisation), try ./ipaddrgen -h
- go (currently using 1.17.6)
- that's about it
windows: go build -o ./bin/ipaddrgen.exe ./src
linux/mac: go build -o ./bin/ipaddrgen ./src
alternatively, just run it with go run ./src
enjoy! β€