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  • rust bedtools multi-pangenome.
  • analyzes the multiple pangenome alignments of the same query to the multiple reference genomes
  • limits the longest alignment search to the longest alignment.
  • build a ancestral sequence based on the longest alignment.
  • general note: Incase of Golang and RUST, please see the last commit message and if it says compiled binary then it is completed or else still in development version.
cargo build 
Usage: rust-bedtools-multipangenome <ALIGNMENT> <FASTAFILE> <PATHPRANK>

<ALIGNMENT>  please provide the path to the first alignment file
<FASTAFILE>  please provide the reference fasta file
<PATHPRANK>  please provide the path to the prank for the ancestal state

-h, --help     Print help
-V, --version  Print version

  • to run the binary
./rust-bedtools-multipangenome \ 
    ./sample-files/sample.bed \
       ./sample-files/sample.fasta \ 
               ./prank \

Gaurav Sablok