43 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What's Changed
🛠️ GitHub Actions & CI:
- Include a notification for new contributors (#849) by @Dor-bl
- Update PR template to support test fixes (#839) by @Dor-bl
- Fix the Breaking Change label to match Release Drafter (#835) by @Dor-bl
- Update the Breaking Change title in labeler.yml (#833) by @Dor-bl
- Add a Documentation category in release-drafter.yml (#827) by @Dor-bl
- Fix .sln path for release-nuget.yml (#851) by @Dor-bl
Tests & Fixes:
- Add explicit wait for app package to load before assertion (#838) by @Dor-bl
- Move AppTests to the correct folder to match the namespace (#831) by @Dor-bl
Breaking Change:
✨ Enhancements:
- Refactor: Use netstandard2.0 as the target framework to support a wider range of frameworks (#845) by @nvborisenko
📦 Dependencies
- Bump Selenium.WebDriver from 4.24.0 to 4.25.0 in /src/Appium.Net (#846) by @dependabot
- Bump System.Drawing.Common from 8.0.8 to 8.0.10 in /src/Appium.Net (#840) by @dependabot
- Bump System.Text.Json from 8.0.4 to 8.0.5 in /test/integration (#842) by @dependabot
- Remove Selenium.Support package as a dependency (#843) by @nvborisenko
- Migrate from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json (#836) by @Dor-bl
🧰 Maintenance:
- Move the solution to the root folder (#844) by @nvborisenko
- Remove unnecessary .nuget binaries from source control (#847) by @nvborisenko
📚 Documentation:
🆕 New Contributors:
A warm welcome to our new contributors: @nvborisenko.