Add new GraphQLJson type to the CustomTypeValue (#897)
Use pre-installed apollo-codegen (#894)
Fix issue with inline fragment inside the root of regular fragment (#899)
Generate input types hashcode / equals methods (#900)
Handle keywords in input types (#909)
Fix mapping of GraphQl Int type to Java int type instead of Long (#901)
Fix issue with query watcher for empty cache (#915)
Do not escape input types too much (#916)
Replace JSR250 with jetbrains annotations (#913)
Add support connection keep alive message (aka heartbeat) (#922)
Add suppression of rawtypes to javaType method
Send operation name in the POST payload (#924)
Fix issue iterator is not final used in nested inner class (#934)
Fix issue with code generation for list of list of custom scalar types (#938, #937)
Fix issue with list of list input type serialization (#966)
Fix issue with inline fragments mapped to null (#971)
Allow Apollo usage for Java libraries modules (#973)
Update Moshi version to 1.6.0 (#974)