This is a simple JavaScript CLI application which shows how to use the JavaScript SDK to access a Fusio instance. In this example we simply output all registered operations. Fusio is an open source API management which helps to build and manage great APIs more information at:
const {Client} = require('fusio-sdk');
const {OAuth2, MemoryTokenStore} = require('sdkgen-client');
async function main() {
const tokenStore = new MemoryTokenStore();
const scopes = ["backend"];
const credentials = new OAuth2(
const client = new Client("", credentials)
const collection = await client.backend().operation().getAll(0, 16, "")
for (const operation of collection.entry) {
console.log(" * " + operation.httpMethod + " " + operation.httpPath)
To run the demo you simply need to install all dependencies.
npm install
and then you can execute the main script.
node main.cjs