Molecule Vagrant is designed to allow use of Vagrant for provisioning of test resources.
This driver relies on vagrant command line which is known to be problematic to install on several platforms. We do our best to perform CI/CD testing on multiple platforms but some are disabled due to known bugs.
- β MacOS with VirtualBox - GitHub Actions
- β Fedora 32 with libvirt - Zuul
- β Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) with libvirt - Zuul
- β CentOS 8 with libvirt - Zuul DISABLED due to 1127 and 11020
Please do not file bugs for unsupported platforms. You are welcomed to create PRs that fix untested platform, as long they do not break existing ones.
To use this plugin, you'll need to set the driver
and platform
variables in your molecule.yml
. Here's a simple example using the
fedora/32-cloud-base box:
name: vagrant
- name: instance
box: fedora/32-cloud-base
memory: 512
cpus: 1
Here's a full example with the libvirt provider:
name: vagrant
# Can be any supported provider (virtualbox, parallels, libvirt, etc)
# Defaults to virtualbox
name: libvirt
# Run vagrant up with --provision.
# Defaults to --no-provision)
provision: no
# vagrant-cachier configuration
# Defaults to 'machine'
# Any value different from 'machine' or 'box' will disable it
cachier: machine
# If set to false, set VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL to '1'
# Defaults to true
parallel: true
# vagrant box to use by default
# Defaults to 'generic/alpine316'
default_box: 'generic/alpine316'
- name: instance
# If specified, set host name to hostname, unless it's set to False and
# the host name won't be set. In all other cases (including default) use
# 'name' as host name.
# List of dictionaries mapped to ``
# `network_name` is the required identifier, all other keys map to
# arguments.
- auto_config: true
network_name: private_network
type: dhcp
- network_name: private_network
- network_name: forwarded_port
guest: 80
host: 8080
# List of raw Vagrant `config` options
# use single quotes to avoid YAML parsing as dict due to ':'
- 'vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync"'
# Run 'uname' a provisionning step **needs 'provision: true' to work**
- 'vm.provision :shell, inline: "uname"'
# Dictionary of `config` options. Note that string values need to be
# explicitly enclosed in quotes.
ssh.keep_alive: yes
ssh.remote_user: 'vagrant'
synced_folder: true
box: fedora/32-cloud-base
box_version: 32.20200422.0
memory: 512
cpus: 1
# Dictionary of options passed to the provider
video_type: 'vga'
# List of raw provider options
- cpuset = '1-4,^3,6'
More examples may be found in the molecule
scenarios directory.
They're the scenarios used by the CI.
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Molecule Vagrant Plugin was created by Sorin Sbarnea based on code from Molecule.
The MIT License.
The logo is licensed under the Creative Commons NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
If you have some other use in mind, contact us.