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fix Bug in Biquad assignment
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add UnitTest to compare IIRJ results with given Scipy results

relates to berndporr#27

add UnitTest to compare IIRJ results with given Scipy results
fix Bug in Biquad assignment
  • Loading branch information
Andy Leuckert committed Oct 5, 2023
1 parent d349a3c commit 54e8e38
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Showing 65 changed files with 122,420 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/main/java/uk/me/berndporr/iirj/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ public void setOnePole(Complex pole, Complex zero) {
double a0 = 1;
double a1 = -pole.getReal();
double a2 = 0;
double b0 = -zero.getReal();
double b1 = 1;
double b0 = 1;
double b1 = -zero.getReal();
double b2 = 0;
setCoefficients(a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2);
Expand Down
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/test/java/uk/me/berndporr/iirj/
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@

class DoubleSignal
private final double[] xValues;
private final double[] values;
private final String name;

DoubleSignal(int length, String name) {
xValues = new double[length];
values = new double[length]; = name;

void setValue(int index, double time, double value) {
xValues[index] = time;
values[index] = value;

double getValue(int index) {
return values[index];

double getXValue(int index) {
return xValues[index];

double[] getxValues() {
return xValues;

double[] getValues() {
return values;

int getSize() {
return values.length;

String getName() {
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions src/test/java/uk/me/berndporr/iirj/
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;

public class IIRJScipyCompare
private final FilterType filterType;
private final FilterBType filterBType;
private final int order;

public IIRJScipyCompare(FilterType filterType, FilterBType filterBType, int order) {
this.filterType = filterType;
this.filterBType = filterBType;
this.order = order;

@Parameters(name = "Test:{index}, Filtertype: {0}, FilterBType: {1}, Order:{2}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
Collection<Object[]> entries = new ArrayList<>();
int[] orders = {1, 2, 4, 5, 10};
for (FilterType filterType : FilterType.values()) {
for (FilterBType filterBType : FilterBType.values()) {
for (int order : orders) {
entries.add(new Object[]{filterType, filterBType, order});
return entries;

public String toString() {
return "IIRJScipyCompare{" +
"filterType=" + filterType +
", filterBType=" + filterBType +
", order=" + order +

private enum FilterType

private final String scipyString;

FilterType(String scipyString) {
this.scipyString = scipyString;

private enum FilterBType

private final String scipyString;

FilterBType(String scipyString) {
this.scipyString = scipyString;

public void compareValues() {

ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

InputStream resource = classloader.getResourceAsStream("scipy/signal.txt");
DoubleSignal inputSignal = readSignalFromCSV(resource, "Input");

double[] time = inputSignal.getxValues();
double sampleRate = 1.0 / (time[1] - time[0]);
double lc = 200;
double hc = 300;

Cascade filter = createIIRJFilter(filterType, filterBType, order, lc, hc, sampleRate);
String filterFileName = generateFileNameFromConfig(filterType.scipyString, filterBType.scipyString, lc, hc, order);
DoubleSignal scipyResult = readSignalFromCSV(classloader.getResourceAsStream("scipy/" + filterFileName), "Scipy#" + filterFileName);

DoubleSignal filteredSignal = new DoubleSignal(inputSignal.getSize(), "IIRJ#" + filterFileName);
int size = inputSignal.getSize();
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
filteredSignal.setValue(index, inputSignal.getXValue(index), filter.filter(inputSignal.getValue(index)));

compareSignals(scipyResult, filteredSignal);

private Cascade createIIRJFilter(FilterType filterType, FilterBType filterBType, int order, double lc, double hc, double sampleRate) {
double centerFrequency = (hc + lc) / 2;
double widthFrequency = hc - lc;
double rippleInDb = 1;

switch (filterType) {
case Butterworth:
Butterworth butterworth = new Butterworth();
switch (filterBType) {
case Lowpass:
butterworth.lowPass(order, sampleRate, hc);
case Highpass:
butterworth.highPass(order, sampleRate, lc);
case Bandpass:
butterworth.bandPass(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency);
case Bandstop:
butterworth.bandStop(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency);
return butterworth;
case Chebychev1:
ChebyshevI chebyshevI = new ChebyshevI();

switch (filterBType) {
case Lowpass:
chebyshevI.lowPass(order, sampleRate, hc, rippleInDb);
case Highpass:
chebyshevI.highPass(order, sampleRate, lc, rippleInDb);
case Bandpass:
chebyshevI.bandPass(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency, rippleInDb);
case Bandstop:
chebyshevI.bandStop(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency, rippleInDb);
return chebyshevI;
case Chebychev2:
ChebyshevII chebyshevII = new ChebyshevII();
switch (filterBType) {
case Lowpass:
chebyshevII.lowPass(order, sampleRate, hc, rippleInDb);
case Highpass:
chebyshevII.highPass(order, sampleRate, lc, rippleInDb);
case Bandpass:
chebyshevII.bandPass(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency, rippleInDb);
case Bandstop:
chebyshevII.bandStop(order, sampleRate, centerFrequency, widthFrequency, rippleInDb);
return chebyshevII;

throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown filter configuration: "
+ "Filter Type: " + filterType
+ ", Filter B Type: " + filterBType);

private void compareSignals(DoubleSignal scipySignal, DoubleSignal iirjSignal) {
int signal1Size = scipySignal.getSize();
int signal2Size = iirjSignal.getSize();
Assert.assertEquals("Different signal1Size of signals", signal1Size, signal2Size);

for (int index = 0; index < signal1Size; index++) {
double scipySignalValue = scipySignal.getValue(index);
double iirjSignalValue = iirjSignal.getValue(index);
Assert.assertEquals("Different values at index " + index, scipySignalValue, iirjSignalValue, 1E-5);

private DoubleSignal readSignalFromCSV(InputStream inputStream, String signalName) {
List<String> lines = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream,
DoubleSignal doubleSignal = new DoubleSignal(lines.size() - 1, signalName);
for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) {
String[] parts = lines.get(i).split(";");
doubleSignal.setValue(i - 1, Double.parseDouble(parts[0]), Double.parseDouble(parts[1]));
return doubleSignal;

private String generateFileNameFromConfig(String filterType, String filterBTye, double lc, double hc, int order) {
return filterType.toLowerCase() + "-" + filterBTye + "-LC_" + (int) lc + "-HC_" + (int) hc + "-Order_" + order + ".csv";
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions src/test/resources/scipy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, bessel, cheby1, cheby2, sosfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def showSignals(time, signal, filtered_signal):
plt.plot(time, signal, label='Original Signal')
plt.plot(time, filtered_signal, label='Filtered Signal (Butterworth, 350 Hz lowpass)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

def show_fft(time, signal, filtered_signal, sample_rate):
N = len(signal)
fft_original = np.fft.fft(signal)
fft_filtered = np.fft.fft(filtered_signal)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1 / sample_rate)

# Only take the positive frequencies (up to the Nyquist frequency)
positive_freqs = freqs[:N // 2]
fft_original_positive = np.abs(fft_original[:N // 2])
fft_filtered_positive = np.abs(fft_filtered[:N // 2])

plt.plot(positive_freqs, fft_original_positive, label='Original Signal')
plt.plot(positive_freqs, fft_filtered_positive, label='Filtered Signal')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.title('FFT of Original and Filtered Signals')

def export_to_csv(time, filtered_signal, path):
with open(path, 'w') as file:
# Write the header row
# Write the data rows
for t, s in zip(time, filtered_signal):

def readData(filename):
# Read the data
data = np.loadtxt(fname=filename, delimiter=';')
time = data[:, 0]
signal = data[:, 1]
return time, signal

def filterAndExport(sos, signal, exportName):
# Apply the filter to the signal (using lfilter for one-pass filtering)
filtered_signal = sosfilt(sos, signal)
# Export the result to a CSV file
export_to_csv(time, filtered_signal, exportName)
print(f"Filtered signal has been saved to {exportName}")

def createFileNameFromFilter(filtertype, btype, lc, hc, order):
return str(filtertype + "-" + btype + "-LC_" + str(lc) + "-HC_" + str(hc) + "-Order_" + str(order) + ".csv")

time, signal = readData('signal.txt')

# Calculate the sample rate
sample_rate = 1 / (time[1] - time[0])
lc = 200
hc = 300

filtertypes = ['Butterworth', 'Bessel', 'Chebychev1', 'Chebychev2']
btypes = ['lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop']
orders = [1,2,4,5,10]


for filtertype in filtertypes:
for btype in btypes:
for order in orders:
# Handle different critical frequencies for lowpass/highpass vs bandpass/bandstop
if btype in ['lowpass', 'highpass']:
Wn = hc if btype == 'lowpass' else lc
Wn = [lc, hc]

if filtertype == "Butterworth":
sos = butter(N=order, Wn=Wn, fs=sample_rate, btype=btype, output='sos')
elif filtertype == "Bessel":
sos = bessel(N=order, Wn=Wn, fs=sample_rate, btype=btype, output='sos')
elif filtertype == "Chebychev1":
sos = cheby1(N=order, rp=1, Wn=Wn, fs=sample_rate, btype=btype, output='sos')
elif filtertype == "Chebychev2":
sos = cheby2(N=order, rs=1, Wn=Wn, fs=sample_rate, btype=btype, output='sos')

filename = createFileNameFromFilter(filtertype.lower(), btype, lc, hc, order)
filterAndExport(sos, signal, filename)


#b, a = butter(N=2, Wn=lc, fs=sample_rate, btype='lowpass')
#filterAndExport(b, a, signal, "Butterworth-Lowcut-350Hz-2.Order.txt")

#b, a = butter(N=1, Wn=hc, fs=sample_rate, btype='highpass')#
#filterAndExport(b, a, signal, "Butterworth-Highcut-450Hz-1.Order.txt")

#b, a = butter(N=2, Wn=hc, fs=sample_rate, btype='highpass')
#filterAndExport(b, a, signal, "Butterworth-Highcut-450Hz-2.Order.txt")

# Plot the original and filtered signals
# showSignals(time, signal, filtered_signal)

# Show the FFT of both signals
# show_fft(time, signal, filtered_signal, sample_rate)

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