ADTF3175D - Release v6.0.0
From the ADTF3175D Eval Kit version 6.0.0, ADTF3175 (Crosby) modules supporting the old modes, QMP and MP, are no longer supported. Please contact your FAE to obtain the latest ADTF3175 (Crosby) module supporting the new modes, sr-native, lr-native, sr-qnative and lr-qnative. The IP address to connect to NXP is changed to:
Release 6.0.0 of the Analog Device Time of Flight Sensor and Depth ISP evaluation package. Please have a look at the Getting Start guide for details on this release. Make sure you are using Python version >= 3.10 while using Python bindings. Refer to the readme to activate the environment and instructions to run examples.
This release uses ADSD3500 firmware version 5.2.5.
A self-powered hub may be necessary because depth computation is moved to the eval kit hardware instead of the host computer.
Some people may see degraded frame rates due to USB performance.
Since, data_collect is modified to produce the same output as the ADIToFGUI, a python script ( is added to visualize the output of data_collect.
To know more about the pybindings and sample codes, here.
Windows 10/11:
SHA256 of TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel6.0.0_EVAL.exe: DE682A7CF64E6C97401245B22F3A03768972ACEC597E4E879259715F6894EE35
Download TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel6.0.0_EVAL.exe
Run TOF_Evaluation_ADTF3175D-Rel6.0.0_EVAL.exe to install
Accept the License
Visit here for more details.
For more details on updating the system, see here. Please note that the firmware must also be updated.
For a video showing the update process, see here.
Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04:
SHA256 of
A) Steps To install ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D:
Copy to the Ubuntu PC version 22.04 or 20.04
Give executable permissions by running chmod +x and run it.
Accept the license.
ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x will be installed at path ~/Analog\ Devices.
Note: There are two bin folders bin_22.04 and bin_20.04. Use the appropriate version for your Ubuntu Desktop AMD x64.
B) Steps to Download the latest image:
Once the ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D package is installed the cd ~/Analog\ Devices/ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x/image.
Now run chmod +x and ./
The latest image will be downloaded at ./image path as Extract this folder using unzip command.
This folder contains the NXP image, depth compute library installer, and ADSD3500 firmware.
Program the SD card with the latest NXP image, update firmware on the module to the latest version and choose depth compute libraries based on your needs. By default, the depth compute libraries at ./bin_xx.xx are OpenCL CPU.
Once everything is setup run ./software_check at path ./bin_xx.xx and it should not show any miss matches.
Steps to update ADSD3500 Firmware:
Once the ToF_Evaluation kit is installed, and the latest firmware is downloaded, follow the below steps to update the firmware.
A) To update firmware using data_collect, See here.
B) To Update firmware using the executables on NXP:
Copy Fw_update_a.b.c.bin from ./Analog\ Devices/ToF_Evaluation_Ubuntu_ADTF3175D-Relx.x.x/images/ to ~/Workspace/Tools/Firmware_update_utility
Login to NXP and CD to path ~/Workspace/Tools/Firmware_update_utility
Run command sudo ./Firmware_Update Fw_update_a.b.c.bin.
Once Firmware Update is successful, the process will return 0E as status.
Now reset adsd3500 to run the latest firmware.
Known Issues:
PCM is disabled by default. To stream PCM build SDK on NXP with ENABLE_PCM flag and restart aditof_server.
Currently ADI ToF GUI supports streaming only with 16-bit (AB, depth) and 8-bit confidence. Any other combinations might fail.
Streaming point cloud might reduce the FPS.
User must provide filename with extension while recording frames on Ubuntu.
While running any Python bindings, if you see a blue LED glowing on the Eval kit, do a soft rest using the reset script available on NXP.