Hello there, Ammar here.
π I did some Python and machine learning.
π gist
- RapidKL GTFS realtime Dashboard with ELT approach see
- Predict Future Sales with XGBoost (Community Competition) - see
- Brain Tumor Classification - Analysis, Shallow and Deep Learning see
- User Behavior Prediction by Text Classification with Deep Learning see
- LLM-chatbot App - talk with your PDF files see
- End-to-End RAG-LLM with vector database (PGVector) container see
- Multithreading Wrapper Module for web-scraping see
- Text dataset contributor for Malaysia-AI
- Why Kaggle is So OP
- How to start Data Science
- How TDD Teach us to Become a Firm Programmer
- Some Rust Learning Experience (pt. 1)
- Just start