Oh we do love our monospace fonts don't we? To celebrate typography and free choice, I've packaged all the great fonts I could get my hands on (92 of them -- 140 including variants -- at this point).
This package delivers them straight to Atom through the power of @font-face. You no longer need to hunt down and install your favourite font, instead you can now instantly try out any of the fonts in this package.
- Install the package
- Go to the package's settings page
- Select a font from the drop-down list
Alternatively, open the interactive font selector by choosing "Packages" → "Fonts" → "Open Font Selector" menu option, or running fonts:open-font-selector
command (e.g. from command palette)
Disable the package to re-enable the normal font settings.
Add this rule (with your favorite font-family) to your style.less file
atom-workspace {
font-family: Mononoki;
agave, Anka/Coder, Anonymous Pro, APL2741, APL385 Unicode, Aurulent Sans Mono, Average Mono, B612 Mono, Bedstead, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Borg Sans Mono, BPmono, CamingoCode, Cascadia Code, CatV 6x12 9, CMU Typewriter Text, Code New Roman, Consolamono, Corbi Mono S, Courier Prime, Courier Prime Code, Cousine, Cutive Mono, DaddyTimeMono, DejaVu Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono - Bront, Droid Sans Mono, Effects Eighty, Fairfax HD, Fantasque Sans Mono, Fifteen, FiraCode, Fira Mono, Fixedsys, Fixedsys Excelsior, Fixedsys Ligatures, Generic Mono, GNU Freefont, GNU Unifont, Gohufont, Go Mono, Hack, Hasklig, Hermit, iA Writer Mono S, IBM 3270, Inconsolata, Inconsolata-g, Iosevka, JetBrains Mono, Kawkab Mono, Latin Modern Mono, League, Lekton, Liberation Mono, Libertinus Mono, Luculent, Luxi Mono, M+, Meslo, Meyrin, Monodeco, Monofur, Monoid, Mononoki, NotCourierSans, Noto, Nova Mono, Office Code Pro, OpenDyslexicMono, Overpass Mono, Oxygen Mono, Plex Mono, Press Start 2P, Profont, Proggy Clean, PT Mono, Quinze, Roboto Mono, saxMono, Share Tech Mono, SK Modernist, Source Code Pro, Space Mono, Sudo, Terminus, TeX Gyre Cursor, Ubuntu Mono, Ubuntu Mono - Bront, Verily Serif Mono, Victor Mono, VT323
- Test drive these (and more) fonts in your browser using the Programming Fonts Test Drive App