Built using Gatsby.js + MDX for docs.
Running | Dev Notes | Components | Help
To test locally, run:
yarn install
to install any dependencies, and
gatsby develop
to launch the server.
A localhost server will be started with live updates as pages and components change.
The server must be restarted if gatsby-config.js
If dependencies change, yarn.lock
and package.json
must have their updates pushed to the repo as well.
To test how CI will behave, run
rm -rf node_modules/ && yarn install && yarn deploy
Before deploying to a web hosting service, the pathPrefix
variable needs to be
updated relative to the deployed websites location.
I.e., for https://amanzi.github.io/landing-page-test
, the pathPrefix
will be landing-page-test
For https://amanzi.github.io/
, pathPrefix
will be /
This variable is located in gatsby-config.js
Every Markdown file under content/pages
will be compiled into a web page.
See other pages in that directory to get an idea of how these pages should be formatted.
An example page might be:
title: Example Markdown Page
excerpt: ok
heading="Example Markdown Page"
lead="Tristique ipsum tempor eget"
<Div style={{
maxWidth: ["none", "none", "60%"]
# Markdown Stuff
### Here, I can add Markdown components.
One should add images like this to take advantage of Gatsby features:
<Image src="placeholder.jpg" style={{mt: [4,8]}}/>
Though the regular syntax of `` will still work.
### Another Subsection
Remember to close the Div and Section blocks when you're done.
We have these to ensure consistent formatting (i.e., centering, body div width).
- Custom components are found under
, and the gallery component is found undersrc/components/gallery.js
.- These components can be changed at will.
- The theme components can be overridden: e.g., the footer
This page is built off the Flex theme:
- Theme source: https://github.com/arshad/gatsby-themes/tree/master/themes/gatsby-theme-flex
- Sample page (rendered): https://flex.arshad.io
- Sample page (source): https://github.com/arshad/gatsby-example-flex
Uses Theme UI for color and component management
- Documentation: https://theme-ui.com
- Edit the
file to change/update theming
- All assets (videos, BibTex files, etc) should go under
- All images should go under
, except those being used in a photo gallery. - Photo gallery images go under
. - Photo gallery images will also need a thumbnail image to improve loading times.
- Thumbnails can easily be created with the
command:mogrify -resize 300 *.png
- Installed using
brew install imagemagick
- Thumbnails can easily be created with the
Videos and video thumbnails are found under static/video-gallery
Videos must be in MP4 format
- FFMPEG can be used for conversion:
ffmpeg -i ${INPUT} -vcodec h264 -acodec mp2 -b:a 32k -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" ${EXPORT}
- FFMPEG can be used for conversion:
Videos require a thumbnail image as well
- This is displayed when the video hasn't started loading yet
- FFMPEG can also create thumbnail images:
- This command can be used to easily create thumbnails:
ffmpeg -i ${INPUT_VIDEO} -vf "thumbnail" -frames:v 1 ${OUT_IMAGE}
- This command can be used to easily create thumbnails:
In general, this should be pretty straightforward to add new pages and edit content.
However, Gatsby.js and React.js have some small "gotchas" for those not familiar with them. Please open an issue or email me if you're having difficulties. 99 times of 100, the solution will be straightforward yet hidden from those without intimate knowledge of React.