- Project to understand UFC fight factors that could create a predictive model and detect sportbook odds anomalies related to a fight's expected outcome.
- Created an R shiny application utilizing Las Vegas Crime Data as a tool to identify crime places
- Performed a comprehensive analysis of Nashville Medicare providers in relation to referral patterns with Vanderbilt University Medical Center
- Examined when and where Covid-19 violations are occuring in Nashville
- Mapped coordinates and tags to addresses and businesses using Geocodio and FuzzyWuzzy
- Examined connections between the reported COVID violations and subsequent COVID clusters
- Explored the types of businesses that have been reported as well as how business behavor has changed after an outbreak
- Create a PowerBI Dashboard in order to analyze customer and understand golf membership demographics and preferences
- Geospatial analysis of TN historical seismic activity to determine what regions to allocate earthquake relief funds
- Hands-on experience applying skills in cleaning and aggregating data from multiple sources (including webscraping)
- Assisted in job scheduling for a large computing cluster
- Examined a specific account to improve their efficiency when using the computing cluster
- Identified commonly failing nodes for company to examine for repairs
- Presented findings to stakeholder using visualizations and storytelling
- Created and tested supervised learning models to be able to predict permeability on various materials
- Algorithm utilized included decision trees, linear regression with transformations, SVM and other ensemble methods.
- Create an R Shiny Application to map internal company demographics to surrounding area demographics.
- Created an R Shiny Applicationo to track selected stocks for various time periods
- R Shiny Application which can predict the probability and amount that a customer will spend within a given time frame