See further howtos in Team Manual.
The GOV.UK account manager prototype is an application to test how users:
- authenticate their data
- authorise their data for exchange
- stay informed of the use of their data
- manage consent for use of their data
This content tells you how to:
- set up and run the GOV.UK account manager prototype
- integrate the
Brexit transition checker with the GOV.UK account manager
This content is for GOV.UK developers working on Macs or Linux. If you are not a GOV.UK developer, you cannot use this prototype.
Install GOV.UK Docker. Make sure that you allocate at least the minimum resources specified in the GOV.UK Docker installation guidance as running the prototype on your local machine is resource-intensive.
To set up GOV.UK account manager, ensure you have a ~/govuk
Clone the following repositories (repos) to the ~/govuk
folder on your local machine:
- the GOV.UK account manager prototype
- the GOV.UK attribute service prototype
- the finder frontend that contains the Brexit transition checker
- the email alert API
Check out the following branches on the different repos:
branch on the GOV.UK Docker repomain
branch on the GOV.UK account manager prototype repomain
branch on the GOV.UK attribute service prototype repomaster
branch on the Brexit transition checker repo
In the command line, go to the govuk/govuk-docker
repo folder and run the following commands:
make govuk-attribute-service-prototype
make govuk-account-manager-prototype
make finder-frontend
make email-alert-api
These commands set up a docker image, build the required system and gem dependencies, and set up the database.
In the command line, go to the finder-frontend
repo folder and run govuk-docker-up
. This starts the finder-frontend
Brexit transition checker and its dependencies.
Open up a web browser and go to
If you have set up the apps correctly, you will be able to access the following links:
- the Brexit transition checker journey start page
- the Brexit transition checker results page that reflects the answers you give during the Brexit transition checker journey
- select the subscribe banner or button to access the account sign up page
When you have set up your local account, you can sign into your account and view the manage screens.
You have now set up and run the GOV.UK account manager prototype, and integrated the finder-frontend
Brexit transition checker with the GOV.UK account manager.
If you are having issues setting up and running the GOV.UK account manager prototype, it might be because:
- you have not allocated enough resources to GOV.UK Docker
- there have been backend changes to the database or the prototypes
- there have been Ruby on Rails configuration changes to the app
To change the resource allocation for GOV.UK Docker, see the GOV.UK Docker readme.
To account for recent backend changes, go to the main branch of your local GOV.UK Docker repo and run the following in the command line:
govuk-docker run govuk-account-manager-prototype-lite bundle exec rake db:migrate
govuk-docker run govuk-account-manager-prototype-lite bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Then restart the Brexit transition checker and account manager prototype apps.
If there have been Ruby on Rails configuration changes to the app, you must restart the app to see these changes reflected.
- Run
govuk-docker down
in the command line to stop all GOV.UK Docker containers. - Run
in the folder of the app you want to run to restart the GOV.UK Docker containers.
First get a Rails console. For example, when running locally in Docker Compose:
docker ps
docker exec -it ${container_id} rails console
Then create a new Doorkeeper::Application
a = Doorkeeper::Application.create!(name: "...", redirect_uri: "...", scopes: [...])
puts "client id: #{a.uid}"
puts "client secret: #{a.secret}"
You will probably want openid
in the list of scopes.
A/B testing works similarly as on GOV.UK, but with two exceptions:
- We don't use Fastly, so the variant selection and persistence logic is done in the app.
- If a user is logged in, we persist the selected variant in their account, regardless of device.
Before starting an A/B test you'll need:
- A custom dimension for Google Analytics from a performance analyst.
- A migration creating a field
on the user model.
Here's an example of a controller with an A/B test:
# app/controllers/party_controller.rb
class PartyController < ApplicationController
def show
ab_test =
dimension: 300,
expires: 1.week,
allowed_variants: { NoChange: 1, LongTitle : 2, ShortTitle: 2 },
control_variant: "NoChange"
@requested_variant = ab_test.requested_variant(request, cookies, current_user)
@requested_variant.configure_response(response, cookies)
case true
when @requested_variant.variant?("LongTitle")
render "show_template_with_long_title"
when @requested_variant.variant?("ShortTitle")
render "show_template_with_short_title"
render "show"
In this example, we are running a multivariate test with 3 options being tested: the existing version (control) being shown 1/5th of the time, and two changes each being shown 2/5ths of the time. The minimum number of variants in any test should be two.
When first switching on this A/B test, make sure to also deploy a migration:
# db/migrations/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_start_ab_test_your_test_name.rb
class StartAbTestYourTestName < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
add_column :users, :ab_test_your_ab_test_name, :string
Then, add this to your layouts, so that we have a meta tag that can be picked up by analytics:
<!-- application.html.erb -->
<%= @requested_variant.analytics_meta_tag.html_safe %>
When switching off an A/B test, first remove the test from the controller and view, then deploy a migration removing the field from the users model:
# db/migrations/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_stop_ab_test_your_test_name.rb
class StopAbTestYourTestName < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
remove_column :users, :ab_test_your_ab_test_name
See the govuk_ab_testing README for full documentation on usage and testing.
See the GOV.UK Account technical documentation for more information on using the GOV.UK Account product.
See the GOV.UK Account team manual for more information on internal GOV.UK Account team processes such as handling Zendesk tickets or deploying a branch to the staging environment.
You should check the GOV.UK Account technical documentation and team manual regularly as they are both currently under development and will change frequently.
See the GOV.UK developer documentation for more information on GOV.UK applications, infrastructure and tools.