Alpacon CLI
is a powerful command-line tool designed for managing Alpacon seamlessly from the terminal. This tool simplifies complex operations, making it easier for developers to interact with Alpacon services.
For the optimal use of Alpacon CLI
, ensure that both Alpacon-Server and Alpamon are operational.
These components are integral for the CLI to function effectively.
Note: Detailed documentation, including usage guides and best practices, is in progress and will be available soon.
Download the latest Alpacon CLI
directly from our releases page or install it using package managers on Linux.
For every release and Release Candidate (RC), we push a corresponding container image to our Docker Hub repository at alpacax/alpacon-cli
. For example:
docker run --rm -it alpacax/alpacon-cli version
- Make sure you have go installed:
git clone
go build
sudo mv alpacon-cli /usr/local/bin/alpacon
brew tap alpacanetworks/cli
brew install alpacon-cli
VERSION=<latest-version> # Replace with the actual version
tar -xvf alpacon-${VERSION}-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
chmod +x alpacon
sudo mv alpacon /usr/local/bin
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install alpacon
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo yum install alpacon
VERSION=<latest-version> # Replace with the actual version
tar -xvf alpacon-${VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x alpacon
sudo mv alpacon /usr/local/bin
Installation instructions for Windows will be provided soon.
To access and utilize all features of Alpacon CLI
, first authenticate with the Alpacon API:
$ alpacon login
$ alpacon login [WORKSPACE_URL] -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD]
# Log in via API token
$ alpacon login [WORKSPACE_URL] -t [TOKEN_KEY]
# Logout
$ alpacon logout
A successful login generates a config.json
file in ~/.alpacon
, which includes the workspace url, API token, and token expiration time (approximately 1 week).
This file is crucial for executing commands, and you will need to log in again once the token expires.
Upon re-login, the Alpacon CLI will automatically reuse the workspace URL from config.json
, unless you provide a workspace URL as an argument.
Explore Alpacon CLI's capabilities with the -h
or help
$ alpacon -h
Use this tool to interact with the alpacon service.
alpacon [flags]
alpacon [command]
Available Commands:
agent Commands to manage server's agent
authority Commands to manage and interact with certificate authorities
cert Manage and interact with SSL/TLS certificates
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
cp Copy files between local and remote locations
csr Generate and manage Certificate Signing Request (CSR) operations
event Retrieve and display recent Alpacon events.
group Manage Group resources
help Help about any command
log Retrieve and display server logs
login Log in to Alpacon Server
note Manage and view server notes
package Commands to manage and interact with packages
server Commands to manage and interact with servers
token Commands to manage api tokens
user Manage User resources
version Displays the current CLI version.
websh Open a websh terminal or execute a command on a server
Manage and interact with servers efficiently using Alpacon CLI:
# List all servers.
$ alpacon server ls / list / all
# Get detailed information about a specific server.
$ alpacon server describe [SERVER NAME]
# Interactive server creation process.
$ alpacon server create
# Delete server
$ alpacon server delete [SERVER NAME]
$ alpacon server rm [SERVER NAME]
Server Name:
Platform(debian, rhel):
[1] alpacon
[2] auditors
[3] designers
[4] developers
[5] managers
[6] operators
Select groups that are authorized to access this server. (e.g., 1,2):
Access a server's websh terminal:
# Open a websh terminal for the specified server.
$ alpacon websh [SERVER NAME]
# Open a websh terminal as the root user.
$ alpacon websh -r [SERVER NAME]
# Open a websh terminal for the specified server using a specified username and groupname.
$ alpacon websh -u [USER NAME] -g [GROUP NAME] [SERVER NAME]
Execute a command directly on a server and retrieve the output:
$ alpacon websh [SERVER NAME] [COMMAND]
$ alpacon websh -u [USER NAME] -g [GROUP NAME] [SERVER NAME] [COMMAND]
$ alpacon websh --username=[USER NAME] --groupname=[GROUP NAME] [SERVER NAME] [COMMAND]
$ alpacon websh --env="KEY1=VALUE1" --env="KEY2=VALUE2" [SERVER NAME] [COMMAND]
# Use the current shell's value for the environment variable 'KEY'.
$ alpacon websh --env="KEY" [SERVER NAME] [COMMAND]
- Note: All flags must be placed before the
You can share the current terminal to others via a temporary link:
# Open a websh terminal and share the current terminal
$ alpacon websh [SERVER NAME] --share
$ alpacon websh [SERVER NAME] --share --read-only true
# Join an existing shared session
$ alpacon websh join --url [SHARED_URL] --password [PASSWORD]
Efficiently manage user and group resources:
# Managing Users
# List all users.
$ alpacon user ls / list / all
# Detailed user information.
$ alpacon user describe [USER NAME]
# Create a new user
$ alpacon user create
# Update the user information.
$ alpacon user update [USER NAME]
# Delete user
$ alpacon user delete [USER NAME]
$ alpacon user rm [USER NAME]
# Managing Groups
# List all groups.
$ alpacon group ls
# Detailed group information.
$ alpacon group describe [GROUP NAME]
# Delete group
$ alpacon group delete [GROUP NAME]
$ alpacon group rm [GROUP NAME]
# Add a member to a group with a specific role
$ alpacon group member add
$ alpacon group member add --group [GROUP NAME] --member [MEMBER NAME] --role [ROLE]
# Remove a member from a group
$ alpacon group member delete --group [GROUP NAME] --member[MEMBER NAME]
$ alpacon group member rm --group [GROUP NAME] --member [MEMBER NAME]
API tokens can be used to access alpacon.
# Create a new API token
$ alpacon token create
$ alpacon token create -n [TOKEN NAME] -l / --limit=true
$ alpacon token create -n [TOKEN NAME] --expiration-in-days=7
# Display a list of API tokens in the Alpacon
$ alpacon token ls
# Delete API token
$ alpacon token delete [TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME]
$ alpacon token rm [TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME]
# Log in via API token
$ alpacon login -s [SERVER URL] -t [TOKEN KEY]
Defines command access for API tokens and enables setting specific commands that each API token can run.
# Add a new command ACL with specific token and command.
$ alpacon token acl add [TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME]
$ alpacon token acl add --token=[TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME] --command=[COMMAND]
# Display all command ACLs for an API token.
$ alpacon token acl ls [TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME]
# Delete the specified command ACL from an API token.
$ alpacon token acl delete [COMMAND_ACL_ID]
$ alpacon token acl rm [COMMAND_ACL_ID]
$ alpacon token acl delete --token=[TOKEN_ID_OR_NAME] --command=[COMMAND]
Facilitate file uploads and downloads:
$ alpacon cp [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]
# Upload files
$ alpacon cp /Users/alpacon.txt myserver:/home/alpacon/
# Download files
$ alpacon cp myserver:/home/alpacon/alpacon.txt .
# To use a specified username and groupname for the transfer:
: denotes the server's name and the file's path for FTP operations.
Handle Python and system packages effortlessly:
# python
$ alpacon package python ls / list / all
$ alpacon package python upload alpamon-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
$ alpacon package python download alpamon-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl .
# system
$ alpacon package system ls / list / all
$ alpacon package system upload osquery-5.10.2-1.linux.x86_64.rpm
$ alpacon package system download osquery-5.10.2-1.linux.x86_64.rpm .
Retrieve and monitor server logs:
# View recent logs or tail specific logs.
$ alpacon logs [SERVER_NAME]
$ alpacon logs [SERVER NAME] --tail=10
Retrieve and monitor events in the Alpacon:
# Display a list of recent events in the Alpacon
$ alpacon event
$ alpacon events
# Tail the last 10 events related to a specific server and requested by a specific user
$ alpacon event -t 10 -s myserver -u admin
$ alpacon event --tail=10 --server=myserver --user=admin
Manage server agents(Alpamon) with ease:
# Commands to control and upgrade server agents.
$ alpacon agent restart [SERVER NAME]
$ alpacon agent upgrade [SERVER NAME]
$ alpacon agent shutdown [SERVER NAME]
Manage and view server notes:
# Display a list of all notes
$ alpacon note ls / list / all
$ alpacon note ls -s [SERVER NAME] --tail=10
# Create a note on the specified server
$ alpacon note create
$ alpacon note create -s [SERVER NAME] -c [CONTENT] -p [PRIVATE(true or false)]
# Delete a specified note
$ alpacon note delete [NOTE ID]
$ alpacon note rm [NOTE ID]
Easily manage your private Certificate Authorities (CAs) and certificates:
# Create a new Certificate Authority
$ alpacon authority create
# List all Certificate Authorities
$ alpacon authority ls
# Get detailed information about a specific Certificate Authority.
$ alpacon authority describe [AUTHORITY ID]
# Download a root Certificate by authority's ID and save it to the specified file path.
$ alpacon authority download-crt [AUTHOIRY ID] --out=/path/to/root.crt
# Delete a CA along with its certificate and CSR
$ alpacon authority delete [AUTHORITY ID]
$ alpacon authority rm [AUTHORITY ID]
# Generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
$ alpacon csr create
# Display a list of CSRs, optionally filtered by status
$ alpacon csr ls
$ alpacon csr ls --status=signed
# Approve a Certificate Signing Request
$ alpacon csr approve [CSR ID]
# Deny a Certificate Signing Request
$ alpacon csr deny [CSR ID]
# Delete a Certificate Signing Request
$ alpacon csr delete [CSR ID]
$ alpacon csr rm [CSR ID]
# Get detailed information about a specific Signing Request.
$ alpacon csr describe [CSR ID]
# List all certificates
$ alpacon cert ls
# Get detailed information about a specific Certificate.
$ alpacon cert describe [CERT ID]
# Download a specific Certificate by its ID and save it to the specified file path.
$ alpacon cert download [CERT ID] --out=/path/to/certificate.crt
We welcome bug reports and pull requests on our GitHub repository at