Tempura is built on top of Apache Calcite. For details see our research paper published in VLDB'20.
To build the project, run
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dforbiddenapis.skip=true
To demonstrate how Tempura works, we have added the following example programs that can be run directly:
runs the Tempura optimizer. This program produces a progressive physical plan by the Tempura optimizer that runs across several time points. The physical plan is printed out to the console in DOT format, which can be viewed using an online graphviz tool.TvrExecutionTest.java
uses the Tempura optimizer in an end-to-end query. This program generates a progressive physical plan and then uses Calcite's built-in executor to run the plan. The output at each time point is printed to the console.