A webapp to host internship job posts in Bangladesh.
First clone the repository. Then open a new terminal.
$ cd .\ClientApp\
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ dotnet watch run
Note: you need to have access to the appsettings.json
file contents to properly run the webapp.
To install a package using the dotnet CLI: dotnet add package <package-name>
BCrypt.Net-Next --version 4.0.2
Newtonsoft.Json --version 13.0.1
Check here
Check here
- When running the program, an error
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices[0]: internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:883"
might pop up. Simply remove the node_modules folder and package-lock.json file - You need the file
for the program to run.
- learned the concept of inverse dependency injection by abstracting the service class implementations using interfaces to enable a less tightly coupled system.
- learned the concept of buisness logic layers by seperating the controller classes and the service classes. As a result, all the database calls and logic codes are kept abstract from the controller classses.
- Learned dependency injections which is the process of sharing a particular resource across different classes.
- Learned how authentications work behind the scenes with JWT tokens and middewares.
- password is directly sent from client to server which is then encoded. This increases the possibility of man-in-the-middle attacks