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Mounting USB Storage

Rami Al-Ghanmi edited this page Jul 28, 2013 · 3 revisions

The Netgear WNDR3700 offers one USB port. These instructions show how to use configure and use USB storage device, e.g. flash drive.


The following packages are needed:

  • kmod-usb-storage - Kernel support for USB
  • kmod-fs-ext4 - Kernel support for ext2, ext3 & ext4
  • block-mount - Scripts used to mount and check block devices (filesystems and swap)
  • fdisk - Disk partitioning and drive listing

Mount Drive

  1. Create a mounting point
mkdir /mnt/storage/
  1. List available storage and locate device number
fdisk -ls
  1. Mount /dec/sda1 to /mnt/storage
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/storage/

Permanently Mounting the Device

To permanently mount a drive, you need to create an fstab entry in the system configuration. The following configuration mounts a USB drive with the following details:

  • Device name: /dev/sda1
  • File System: ext4
  • Mount Point: /mnt/storage
  • Mount Options: rw, sync, noatime

Optionally, you may remove the existing configuration:

uci delete fstab.@mount[0]

UCI configuration:

#Create UCI entries
uci add fstab mount
uci set fstab.@mount[-1].device=/dev/sda1
uci set fstab.@mount[-1].fstype=ext4
uci set fstab.@mount[-1].options=rw,sync,noatime
uci set fstab.@mount[-1].target=/mnt/storage
uci set fstab.@mount[-1].enabled=1

#Commit configuration
uci commit

#Restart fstab to load the new configuration
/etc/init.d/fstab restart