pydelivengo is a Python library using the MyDelivengo API
PyDelivengo :
MyDelivengo (La Poste API documentation) :
You can find the list of parameters for each function into this documentation.
api = PyDelivengo(api_authorization="your_mydelivengo_api_key")
api.get_user_info() # Get your user info
api.get_envois() # get all your "envois"
api.get_pli(11437479, print_pdf=True) # Get the "pli" with ID 11437479 and generate PDF to print
api.get_depots(params={'date[from]':'30/11/2017'}) # Get the "depots" from November 30th
Looks to MyDelivengo documentation to see all parameters.
An example for decode and save the Base64 Encoded String return by the MyDelivengo API:
import os
from base64 import decodebytes
with open(os.path.expanduser('path/test.pdf'), 'wb') as f: