Hi! This is the repository for my dotfiles setup, including:
- Highly customised vim installation with vundle + plugins (see vimrc)
- Solarized colourscheme for both vim and gnome-terminal [desktop].
- Installation of system-wide packages (see packages.txt) [desktop].
- Installation of python packages (see requirements.txt).
- YouCompleteMe for clang-based semantic completion of code [desktop].
- The "libgcrypt11" package for ubuntu 15.04 (for spotify, gah) [desktop].
Please refer the simple/extended usage to see how this works.
- Clone
- Execute setup.sh (from anywhere, see extended usage for more options).
- Enjoy!
The default setup will install for desktop environments and MUST be run under sudo in order to install system packages (etc.)
Usage: ./setup.sh [options]
-e <stages(s)> A CSV-list of stages to exclude (default: ).
See -i for a full list of stages.
-f Force setup (by default anything that has already been setup
before will be skipped.)
-m <mode> Mode to setup (desktop/server, default: desktop)
This influences what is installed, where server mode
is for headless or terminal-only servers, possibly
without sudo access. See -i for a full list of stages.
-i <stage(s)> A CSV-list of stages to execute (default: all)
Stages (asterisks are desktop-only):
- dotfiles: Link dotfiles.
* colours: Setup terminal colours.
* fonts: Setup terminal fonts.
* libgcrypt11: Setup libgcrypt11 (Ubuntu 15.04+ only).
* packages: Install packages from packages.txt
- pip: Install pip/python packages from requirements.txt
- vundle: Install Vim Bundle (Vundle) plugins.
* ycm: Install YouCompleteMe (requires vundle installation).
E.g. to only link dotfiles, use -i dotfiles.
-h Display usage (this text)
If you want to submit changes back then please issue a pull request. Procedure:
- Fork the repository and make your changes on a new feature branch.
- Raise a pull request to merge from that feature branch.
- Detail what the changes are for and whether they are specific to OS/Env.
Note: If the changes are customisation rather than fixes to the scripts or for additional features then I'm not likely to accept them - I might split the repo into two in the future to make this easier (i.e. one for scripts, one for the customisations).
Check out: http://dotfiles.github.io/
USE THESE DOTFILES AT YOUR OWN RISK. These dotfiles meet my own requirements, but they may not meet yours (or worse, ruin them). Subsequent changes may break your environment and I cannot be held responsible for it doing so (feel free to send gripes about it though, and I'll try to help fix it.)