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aishoot authored Jun 16, 2018
1 parent e709f09 commit cb71ce1
Showing 1 changed file with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
import numpy
from scipy.fftpack import fft
from scipy.fftpack.realtransforms import dct
from librosa.feature import mfcc
EPS = numpy.finfo(float).eps

def get_feature(fs, signal):
:param fs: 采样率
:param signal: 信号
:return feature:mfcc特征
feature = mfcc(signal, fs, S=None, n_mfcc=20).T
return feature

def mt_feature_extraction(signal, fs, mt_win, mt_step, st_win):
提取 mid-term feature和short-term feature
:param signal: 信号
:param fs: 采样率
:param mtWin: mid-term窗口大小
:param mtStep: mid-term步长
:param stWin: short-term窗口大小
:param stStep: short-term步长
:return: mid-term feature, short-term feature
st_step = st_win
mt_win_ratio = int(round(mt_win / st_step))
mt_step_ratio = int(round(mt_step / st_step))

st_features = st_feature_extraction(signal, fs, st_win, st_step)
num_of_features = len(st_features)
num_of_statistics = 2

mt_features = []
for i in range(num_of_statistics * num_of_features):

for i in range(num_of_features):
cur_pos = 0
len_feat = len(st_features[i])
while cur_pos < len_feat:
pos_1 = cur_pos
pos_2 = cur_pos + mt_win_ratio
if pos_2 > len_feat:
pos_2 = len_feat
cur_st_features = st_features[i][pos_1:pos_2]

#mtFeatures[i+2*numOfFeatures].append(numpy.std(cur_st_features) /
# (numpy.mean(cur_st_features)+EPS))
cur_pos += mt_step_ratio

return numpy.array(mt_features), st_features

def st_feature_extraction(signal, fs, win, step):
提取 short-term feature
:param signal: 信号
:param fs: 采样率
:param win: short-term窗口大小
:param step: short-term步长
:return: short-term feature
win = int(win)
step = int(step)
signal = numpy.double(signal)
signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15)
dc = signal.mean()
max_value = (numpy.abs(signal)).max()
signal = (signal - dc) / (max_value + EPS)

len_feat = len(signal)
cur_pos = 0
count_frames = 0
n_fft = win / 2

[fbank, _] = mfcc_init_filter_banks(fs, n_fft)
n_chroma, n_freqs_per_chroma = st_chroma_features_init(n_fft, fs)

num_of_time_spectral_features = 8
num_of_harmonic_features = 0
nceps = 13
num_of_chroma_features = 13
total_num_of_features = num_of_time_spectral_features + nceps + num_of_harmonic_features + \
# totalNumOfFeatures = num_of_time_spectral_features + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures

st_features = []
xprev = []
while cur_pos + win - 1 < len_feat:
count_frames += 1
pos_signal = signal[cur_pos:cur_pos+win]
cur_pos = cur_pos + step
cur_pos_signal = abs(fft(pos_signal))
cur_pos_signal = cur_pos_signal[0:int(n_fft)]
cur_pos_signal = cur_pos_signal / len(cur_pos_signal)
if count_frames == 1:
xprev = cur_pos_signal.copy()
cur_vf = numpy.zeros((total_num_of_features, 1))
cur_vf[0] = st_zcr(pos_signal)
cur_vf[1] = st_energy(pos_signal)
cur_vf[2] = st_energy_entropy(pos_signal)
[cur_vf[3], cur_vf[4]] = st_spectral_centroid_and_spread(cur_pos_signal, fs)
cur_vf[5] = st_spectral_entropy(cur_pos_signal)
cur_vf[6] = st_spectral_flux(cur_pos_signal, xprev)
cur_vf[7] = st_pectral_roll_off(cur_pos_signal, 0.90, fs)
cur_vf[num_of_time_spectral_features:num_of_time_spectral_features+nceps, 0] = \
st_mfcc(cur_pos_signal, fbank, nceps).copy()
_, chroma_f = st_chroma_features(cur_pos_signal, n_chroma, n_freqs_per_chroma)
cur_vf[num_of_time_spectral_features + nceps:
num_of_time_spectral_features + nceps + num_of_chroma_features - 1] = chroma_f
cur_vf[num_of_time_spectral_features + nceps + num_of_chroma_features - 1] = chroma_f.std()
xprev = cur_pos_signal.copy()

st_features = numpy.concatenate(st_features, 1)
return st_features

def st_zcr(frame):
count = len(frame)
count_z = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(numpy.diff(numpy.sign(frame)))) / 2
return numpy.float64(count_z) / numpy.float64(count-1.0)

def st_energy(frame):
return numpy.sum(frame ** 2) / numpy.float64(len(frame))

def st_energy_entropy(frame, num_of_short_blocks=10):
eol = numpy.sum(frame ** 2)
len_frame = len(frame)
sub_win_length = int(numpy.floor(len_frame / num_of_short_blocks))
if len_frame != sub_win_length * num_of_short_blocks:
frame = frame[0:sub_win_length * num_of_short_blocks]
sub_windows = frame.reshape(sub_win_length, num_of_short_blocks, order='F').copy()
sum_windows = numpy.sum(sub_windows ** 2, axis=0) / (eol + EPS)
neg_entropy = numpy.sum(sum_windows * numpy.log2(sum_windows + EPS))
return neg_entropy if neg_entropy else -1

def st_spectral_centroid_and_spread(cur_pos_signal, fs):
ind = (numpy.arange(1, len(cur_pos_signal) + 1)) * (fs/(2.0 * len(cur_pos_signal)))
cur_signal = cur_pos_signal.copy()
cur_signal = cur_signal / cur_signal.max()
num = numpy.sum(ind * cur_signal)
den = numpy.sum(cur_signal) + EPS
cen = (num / den)
sum_windows = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(((ind - cen) ** 2) * cur_signal) / den)
cen = cen / (fs / 2.0)
sum_windows = sum_windows / (fs / 2.0)
return cen, sum_windows

def st_spectral_entropy(cur_pos_signal, num_of_short_blocks=10):
len_frame = len(cur_pos_signal)
eol = numpy.sum(cur_pos_signal ** 2)
sub_win_length = int(numpy.floor(len_frame / num_of_short_blocks))
if len_frame != sub_win_length * num_of_short_blocks:
cur_pos_signal = cur_pos_signal[0:sub_win_length * num_of_short_blocks]
sub_windows = cur_pos_signal.reshape(sub_win_length, num_of_short_blocks,
sum_windows = numpy.sum(sub_windows ** 2, axis=0) / (eol + EPS)
ne_entropy = numpy.sum(sum_windows*numpy.log2(sum_windows + EPS))
return -ne_entropy if ne_entropy else -1

def st_spectral_flux(cur_pos_signal, xprev):
sum_x = numpy.sum(cur_pos_signal + EPS)
sum_prev_x = numpy.sum(xprev + EPS)
st_flux = numpy.sum((cur_pos_signal / sum_x - xprev/sum_prev_x) ** 2)
return st_flux

def st_pectral_roll_off(cur_pos_signal, cen, fs):
total_energy = numpy.sum(cur_pos_signal ** 2)
fft_length = len(cur_pos_signal)
thres = cen*total_energy
cum_sum = numpy.cumsum(cur_pos_signal ** 2) + EPS
[no_neg, ] = numpy.nonzero(cum_sum > thres)
if no_neg[0]:
m_c = numpy.float64(no_neg[0]) / (float(fft_length))
m_c = 0.0
return m_c

def mfcc_init_filter_banks(fs, nfft):
lowfreq = 133.33
linsc = 200 / 3.
logsc = 1.0711703
num_lin_filt_total = 13
num_log_filt = 27

n_filt_total = num_lin_filt_total + num_log_filt
freqs = numpy.zeros(n_filt_total + 2)
freqs[:num_lin_filt_total] = lowfreq + numpy.arange(num_lin_filt_total) * linsc
freqs[num_lin_filt_total:] = freqs[num_lin_filt_total - 1] * \
logsc ** numpy.arange(1, num_log_filt + 3)
heights = 2. / (freqs[2:] - freqs[0:-2])
fbank = numpy.zeros((int(n_filt_total), int(nfft)))
nfreqs = numpy.arange(nfft) / (1. * nfft) * fs

for i in range(n_filt_total):
low_tr_freq = freqs[i]
cen_tr_freq = freqs[i + 1]
high_tr_freq = freqs[i + 2]

lid = numpy.arange(numpy.floor(low_tr_freq * nfft / fs) + 1,
numpy.floor(cen_tr_freq * nfft / fs) + 1,
lslope = heights[i] / (cen_tr_freq - low_tr_freq)
rid = numpy.arange(numpy.floor(cen_tr_freq * nfft / fs) + 1,
numpy.floor(high_tr_freq * nfft / fs) + 1,
rslope = heights[i] / (high_tr_freq - cen_tr_freq)
fbank[i][lid] = lslope * (nfreqs[lid] - low_tr_freq)
fbank[i][rid] = rslope * (high_tr_freq - nfreqs[rid])

return fbank, freqs

def st_mfcc(cur_pos_signal, fbank, nceps):
mspec = numpy.log10(, fbank.T) + EPS)
ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:nceps]
return ceps

def st_chroma_features_init(nfft, fs):
freqs = numpy.array([((st_flux + 1) * fs) / (2 * int(nfft)) for st_flux in range(int(nfft))])
c_p = 27.50
n_chroma = numpy.round(12.0 * numpy.log2(freqs / c_p)).astype(int)
n_freqs_per_chroma = numpy.zeros((n_chroma.shape[0],))
u_chroma = numpy.unique(n_chroma)
for u_ch in u_chroma:
idx = numpy.nonzero(n_chroma == u_ch)
n_freqs_per_chroma[idx] = idx[0].shape
return n_chroma, n_freqs_per_chroma

def st_chroma_features(cur_pos_signal, n_chroma, n_freqs_per_chroma):
chroma_names = ['A', 'A#', 'B', 'cen', 'cen#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'st_flux', 'st_flux#', 'G', 'G#']
spec = cur_pos_signal ** 2
if n_chroma.max() < n_chroma.shape[0]:
cen = numpy.zeros((n_chroma.shape[0],))
cen[n_chroma] = spec
cen /= n_freqs_per_chroma[n_chroma]
no_0_pos = numpy.nonzero(n_chroma > n_chroma.shape[0])[0][0]
cen = numpy.zeros((n_chroma.shape[0],))
cen[n_chroma[0:no_0_pos - 1]] = spec
cen /= n_freqs_per_chroma
new_d = int(numpy.ceil(cen.shape[0] / 12.0) * 12)
cur_two = numpy.zeros((new_d,))
cur_two[0:cen.shape[0]] = cen
cur_two = cur_two.reshape(int(cur_two.shape[0] / 12), 12)
final_c = numpy.matrix(numpy.sum(cur_two, axis=0)).T
final_c /= spec.sum()
return chroma_names, final_c

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