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JAN 25 MoM

SnelPatare edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 6 revisions

MoM on Jan 25:


  • DB access: Basic connection java and postgres DB done.
  • DB structure: Basic requirements are done. yet to make the structure.
  • Docker Update: We are able to establish the connectivity between docker containers by building the internal network.
  • Data extraction: Extracted data (parameters without temperature). Discussion on storing the data in DB/File.

Action Items:

  • Create Integration - Docker linking
  • DB access - store link in DB and accessing
  • Login auth - Local Auth and token access
  • Data Conversion to Json file and storing (static server).

Topic discussed:

  1. Extracted data doesn't contain temperature, humidity etc. It contains Reflectivity, Spectrum width and mean radial velocity.
  2. Changed our focus to extracted parameters.
  3. Storing extracted data into a json file instead of DB.
  4. Discussion on login auth mechanism.
  5. API sends http request and return the result