EntityHash is a Python library that provides a unified interface for hash calculation and representation. It supports various data types and offers multiple ways to represent hashes, including hexadecimal, base64, and integer formats.
To install EntityHash, you can use pip:
pip install entityhash
The project has been tested to work with Python version is 3.12.
Here are some examples of how to use the EntityHash library:
You can create an EntityHash
from various data types:
from EntityHash import EntityHash
# From a hexadecimal string
hex_hash = EntityHash.FromHex("a3f5c3")
# From a base64 string
base64_hash = EntityHash.FromBase64("q9XDOw==")
# From an integer
int_hash = EntityHash.FromInt(123456)
# From a hashlib object
import hashlib
hashlib_obj = hashlib.sha256(b"example").digest()
hashlib_hash = EntityHash.FromHashlib(hashlib_obj)
# From bytes
bytes_hash = EntityHash.FromBytes(b'\x12\x34\x56')
You can represent an EntityHash in different formats:
# As hexadecimal
# As base64
# As integer
# As bytes
You can calculate hashes for various data types using the calc_hash function:
from entityhash import calc_hash
# Calculate hash for a string
string_hash = calc_hash("example")
# Calculate hash for a dictionary
dict_hash = calc_hash({"key": "value"})
# Calculate hash for a list
list_hash = calc_hash([1, 2, 3])
# Calculate hash for a numpy array
import numpy as np
array_hash = calc_hash(np.array([1, 2, 3]))