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ACM's Main Website

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This is the source code behind our main website, and it's used to help prospective members learn more about ACM, enable current members to see what events are happening, and inform potential sponsors to work with us.

This site is built with Next.js and Typescript. If you've had prior experience with React, the codebase will feel very familiar.

Contributing Guidelines

This site is actively maintained in the public by members of ACM's Development Team. We're a team of engineers, designers, and product managers creating tools to help members of ACM. If you'd like to contribute a feature to the portal, we're happy to look at any pull request, but please note that we might not merge it. If you're interested in trying out some freelance work, reach out to us via email ([email protected]), or join dev team when applications open up.

This site is powered by Vercel

Setting Up Your Project

Optional Recommended Setup

We suggest using nvm to manage multiple node versions if you work on separate projects. Installation here. To check if you have nvm installed, run nvm -v and ensure you can view your current version.

Likewise, you can use corepack to ensure the right package manager and version is being used. If your node version is configured properly, corepack should already be installed and available. Manual installation here

VSCode Marketplace Extensions

Our development team utilizes various VSCode extensions to ease the development process with code shortcuts and error highlighting.

When opening the project in VSCode, you should get a prompt to install the recommended extensions.

Alternatively, you may manually install them, listed below:

  • Prettier - Code formatter (esbenp.prettier-vscode)
  • ESLint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
  • Stylelint (stylelint.vscode-stylelint)
  • Prettier ESLint (rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint)
  • stylelint-plus (hex-ci.stylelint-plus)
  • NPM Intellisense (christian-kohler.npm-intellisense)
  • Path Intellisense (christian-kohler.path-intellisense)
  • Simple React Snippets (burkeholland.simple-react-snippets)
  • Auto Rename Tag (
  • Auto Close Tag (

None of these are required to run the repository so feel free to look through the full descriptions for each extension to decide if you'd like to use it. We have listed them from most to least valuable below if you decide to use them.

Create an environment file

Copy the .env.example file from the root directory and duplicate it twice, naming the new files as .env.development and .env.production. Set appropriate values for each secret variable listed here and ensure that your .env.* files are included in your .gitignore to prevent pushing to Github.

Running the Repo

If it's your first time running the repository, run yarn or yarn install to install all node_modules packages. If your global yarn version isn't compatible, try prefixing instances of yarn with corepack, e.g. corepack yarn (this applies to later commands as well).

Run yarn dev to start a dev environment with the data from our testing API.

Once running, if there are no errors displaying in your command line terminal, the local deployment should be visible at localhost:3000. If you cannot view your project here, ensure that you have no other running processes on the port and have entered the start script correctly.