Releases: abstracta/browser-copilot
Now copilots can navigate pages and fill input fields!
Check the updated agent example.
Small improvements in lists visualization spacing
Now list items decorators are shown and charts are not left blank when the browser tab navigates to a new URL or the tab is refreshed.
This version includes some cool new features!:
- Now tables look good and consistent with the rest of the copilot style
- Copilots can now include PlantUML diagrams in their response. This is very helpful when you want to display a topology of services or some other useful UML diagrams.

- Copilots can now include Apache ECharts charts in their response. This alllows copilots to provide all sort of charts, like time line charts, pie charts, etc.

- Copilots can now trigger different acctions before or after a request is done by the browser.
- Copilots can request the extension to poll them periodically for interactions infromation. This is helpful to generate proactive messages to users when some background event happens, like an alert being triggered in a system.
For an example of usage of these new features you can check the new skywalking-copilot.
Finally, some consistency fixes have been introduced that prevent multiple activations of same agent in a tab, and potentially missing some browser events in the extension.
This release improves styling and fixes visualization of links when included in copilot answer
v0.7.4 [skip ci] Set release version
Fix visualization of new prompt button in user messages
Fix issue with icons in release due to change of using git lfs
This release fixes styling of messages for proper visualization of paragraphs.