rework-color-distinguish is a css preprocess plugin for Rework
it is easier for users to see content including separating foreground from background.
More detail about distinguish contrast color in WCAG.
$ npm install rework-color-distinguish
origin css:
.foo {
background-color: #37f9b2;
color: contrast(#37f9b2);
js with rework:
var rework = require('rework');
var distinguish = require('rework-color-distinguish');
var css = rework(input)
yields css:
.foo {
background-color: #37f9b2;
color: #000000;
With 'contrast(color)' mixin, you can get a mostly contrast color between the two or more colors where you set in.
Accepts multi-parameter for color string which have a type of 'hex', the contrast(color)
mixin function in css, will be converted a mostly contrast color from these hex color parameters.
The default contrast colors are '#000000' and '#ffffff';
Yang He [email protected]